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<br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF ITINNESOTA <br /> GOUNTY OF RA1.1SEY <br /> Vi LLAGE QF hILLS <br /> OtiD IPdiNCE 1V~JWRER 33 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN ORD.i~~r':YGE PROVIDIiIG FOR TH;{a LTCENSING i_iND REGULATION 0F <br /> IjTO'I'Oi-~ BO,°=.TS ON L2IKES viTF30LLY WTTNIN THi, BQUNDI'~?'1~41S 0F ~_RDTEN <br /> HILLS e <br /> TI--E VILLAGE COUNCIL 0-P TNJ VILLAG-E 0F yRDEIrI HILLS DO::,S GRD_,TN <br /> .~S FOLLO1i1S e <br /> <br /> ~ SECTION lm i'urpose e In order to promote safety and the <br /> public we are, no person shall navigate,, operate, dock or <br /> anchar any motorboat on l.akes vfholl.y within the boundarie s of <br /> lirden Hills except in accordance witr this ordznance. <br /> SECTION 2, Definitione The word r'motorboat°T as referred <br /> ta in~his ordinance s a refer to any boat, f1.oat or raft <br /> mechanically propelled by a motor Qr engine of any kinde <br /> <br /> SECTION 3, License Requirede No motorboat shall be <br /> operaEed an e 1a es covere bv,r is ardinance unless registered <br /> and licensed in the name of the oi{rner, excepting boats used for <br /> weed control or ather approved lake improvement activitye Appli- <br /> cation for lieense Eha11 be made in urriting on a form provided <br /> by the Village Glerk and apprflzred by tre Council. The applica- <br /> tion and the license shall include the de scription of the boat <br /> as s,°rell as the engine or motor to be usede The Clerk sb-a11 make <br /> or cause to be made b~;T tkie Departmen.t of Public Safct~r such in~ <br /> ~sestigations as he deems necessary to determine vrhether the boat <br /> vihich is the subject of the application is apparently in safe <br /> o-perating epnditiona In the e vent that he determ; ne s it is in <br /> saf e operatira.g condit:iong he sha1l issue the nse, or9 if the <br /> Clerk is unavailable for an;r reasan, the Commissioner of Public <br /> Safety may cause the nece ssary irnre; stigat ion to be made and <br /> issue the license 9 upon the same basis o <br /> SECTIGN 4o License Numbera A1.1 licenses issued shall <br /> be numberede I:~ith3n ays o ssuance of the license, the <br /> n.umber must be painted, stenciled or attached to the port side <br /> of the bow of the matorboat in numerals having a minimum height <br /> of 2 inche s, and in sueh a manner as to be cle ar1y vi sib Ie o <br /> SECTION 5 o Fee a The license fea shall be .~'2 oQ0 for a <br /> per~iaco 3~4ne ~ye ar~l license s ta ex;~ire on the 31st dV of <br /> December of each yearo The idential number ir.rill be issued in <br /> cases vrhere a license is taken out for the same boat in conm <br /> seeu.tive yea,rse The fee sha11 accompany the application and <br /> shall be returned if the appl.icatipn is denied@ <br /> SJCLION 6, A sign shall be posted at any ram-p or ease- <br /> ment o ering public access of boats to the lake <br /> ~ the publ.ic of thi s ordian. ce a <br /> SECTION 7e The provisions of Sectioris 361p42 through <br /> 361.49 athe 7947 TvTinne sot a Statute sAnnatated, as amencled <br /> to date gare incorporated herein by reference e <br />