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<br /> STATE OF MINNE$OTA iaes, if such is required, the agplication premisea pr oP the neighborhood ie
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY and other paBers shall be forthwith re- diaturhed.
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILL3 turned to the applicant by the Clerk. (c) Ptemises free frnm refuse. No pes-
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATIIdG AND The Gouncil may refer the matter to son shall plsce, throw or deBosit
<br /> LICENSING THE OPERATION OF the Planning Coxnmission for its con- any waste materis} wpon the out-
<br /> DRIVE-IN $USINESS WITHIN THE aideration and report or, at its option, side premises or parking ares o!
<br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN 73ILLS, PRO- may immediately order a public hear- the drive-in business or on anq
<br /> VIDING FOR LICENSE FEES, AND ing as provided herein. atreet, alley or adjoining property
<br /> PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIO- In the event the application ia rePer- or in the vicinity except in ade-
<br /> LATIQIVS. red to the Planning Commission the ap- quate receBtac1es qrovided for that
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 100 glicant may be required by that Com- punpose, nor shall the licensee Per-
<br /> The Village Council of Arden Hills, misaion to appear before it for auch mit such conduct.
<br /> Minnesota, doea hereby ordain as followa: further information as may be required. (d) Dieposal of refnse by licensee. The '
<br /> Section 1. Definitions: For the pur- Either the Council or the Planning Com- licensee ehall, at least once a day,
<br /> pose of this ordinance the following Planning Commission, may require ad- diepose of waste materisls which
<br /> terms, phrases, words and their deriva- mission, if reference is made to the tend to create a gublic nuiasnce
<br /> ' tione shall have the meaning given here- ditional detailed information to deter- on the premises. The licensee shall
<br /> jn• mine whether the standards hereinaftex provide a sufficient number of re-
<br /> ~ (a) The word "shall" is always man- set forth have been met or will be met fuse containere on the premisea
<br /> datory snd not merely directory. by the applicant. and ahall take all necessary atepg
<br /> (b) °Village° is the Village of Arden Section 6. Standarda. to keep all of the premises free
<br /> Hills. In determining to grant or deny an from waste materials.
<br /> (c) Drive-in Businesa" is' any buei- application for a licenae hereunder the (e) Sale from windows and other opem-
<br /> ness or establishment offering to the Counci] and the Planning Commission, inga. The sale of food or beverages
<br /> public a service or food, whether if reference is made to the Planning shall not be permitted from an `
<br /> dairy products or any other food Commission, shall follow the following exterior window or other exterior
<br /> item, where it ie not necessary standards, to-wit: opening in a drive-in reataurant.
<br /> that the customer leave hia car (a) The possbile danger to health, (f) Hours of Operation. No drive-in
<br /> or enter the building on the prem- morals and safety of the people of buainess ]icensed hereunder shall
<br /> isea to make the purchase or ob- the Village. operate, nor shall any person be
<br /> tain the service. In general such (b) The reputation of the applicant, served upon auch premises, be-
<br /> businesaes provide parking apace ita officera or agents, if any, as tween the hours of 1 a.m. and 7
<br /> on the gremisea for the eustom- to moral'responeibility, good repu- a.m. The hours of operation oY
<br /> ere, although thia is not a requit- tation, and apparent competence any particular businesa licenaed
<br /> ed part of the deYinition. Any to operate the proposed businesa hereunder may be further restrict-
<br /> - businesa offering prepared food, in a manner consistent with the . ed by the Cauncil for good cause -
<br /> beverages, or dairy products by public health, safety and Sood in accordance with the standarda
<br /> delivery to the customer m the morals. aet forth fn Section 6 hereof, and
<br /> vehicle or for consumption by the (c) The desirability of aperation oY a such additional restriction as to
<br /> cuetomer in the vehicle ia includ- drive-in bueiness at the proposed hoixre shall be shown upon the li-
<br /> ed as a drtve-in business hereun- location durinq the hours applied cense issued to the applicant.
<br /> der; except as hereinafter Provid- for with reference to whether there (g) Accesa. The licensee shall Frovide -
<br /> ed. By way of illuatratian, but will be an unreasonable disturb- access to public streete or other
<br /> without limitation, drive-in busi- ance af t6e peace and 9uiet of the public ways from at ]east two
<br /> nesses inelude the following: , neighborhood. points on the premises at all tim-
<br /> drive-in theater, t}rive-in bank, (d) The probability of interference ea. Such means af access shall he
<br /> drive-m cafe, drive-m hamburger, with traffic or unreasonable traf- kep£ clear by the ]icensee at al]
<br /> soft drink or ice cream establish- fic hazards arieing by reason of times to facilitate departure of
<br /> menta, and drive-in ]aundry or dry the proposed operation. persons in motor vehiclea and to
<br /> . cleaning stations. (e) The probability ofinterference permit entrance of fire apparatus
<br /> Groeery stores,,confectionery etor_ with rights of the surrounding or, ambulance in case of emer-
<br /> es, or drug atorea which offer property owners by reason of the gency.
<br /> talce-home" foo@ services as an discarding of waste material b9 (h) Illuminatian of Area. The parking
<br /> incidental part of their businese customers of the proposed businesa. area of any drive-in restaurant
<br /> shall not be considered a drive-in Section 7. Pu61ic Hearing. shall be adequstely illuminated by -busmesa. A public hearing shall be held on each electric lights, but such illumina- .
<br /> IL i9 recognized that sutomobile applieation hereunder which contsina the tion shall be so arranged by the
<br /> service stations are a drive-in bus. reQuired information and is referred to licensee as to ' reflect away from -
<br /> iness within thQ meamng of this the Council by the Clerk. Sueh public anp ad]oining reaidenEis] proper-
<br /> general definition, but they aze hearing shall be before the Council un- tq.
<br /> sAecifically exc]uded from the de- less the Council refers the matter to the -
<br /> (i) Drainage and Duat. The parking
<br /> finition as used herein since they p]anning Cammission and directs that area on the pzemises shall permit .
<br /> are considered to be such a vital the public hearing shall be held befoYe adequate drainage of surface wat-
<br /> type of dtive-in buamess that they the Planning Commission. In either case er and shall be maintained or should be defined and treated as a the notice procedure as provi$ed in Sec- treated by the licensee in such
<br /> completely separate category. tion 8 hereof shall be follotved. In the manner -as -to avoid dust an the (d) "Waste Maetrial" means paper event the public hearing is held before
<br /> premisea.
<br /> wps, strawa, napkins, garbage, the Planning Gommission the Planning (j) No service shall be rendered, de-
<br /> beveragea and all other waste mat- Commisaion shall aubmit its report and liveriea made, or sales condueted
<br /> ter intended for disPOSa] which, if recommendations thereon to the Council within the required front yard o4
<br /> not piaced in a praper receptacle, within 30 days after the date oP the the premises. Cuatomers served in
<br /> tends to create a public nuisance public hearing and the matter shall be vehiclea on the premisea shall be by rendering;property unclean, un- placed on the Council agenda and action
<br /> ssfe and unsightl parked to the- sides and/or the
<br /> y taken thereon by the CounciI at the next rear of the principat structure.
<br /> (e) "Person" is any person, form, regular Council meeting after such re- . Section 10. Revocation of License.
<br /> partnerehip, association, corpora- port of the Planning Commission. The The Village Council shall have the
<br /> tion, company or organization of report and recommendations of the Plan- authority to revoke or suapend the li-
<br /> any kind. ning Commisaion shall be advlsory. cense issued hexeunder when the Coun-
<br /> Section 2. Licenae and Special Use Per- Section 8. Notice Of Public Hearing. cil finds an,y of the following:
<br /> mit Required. The Administrative Clerk shall mail (1) that the licensee is operating in
<br /> No person shall canstruct, operate or notice of a pubfic hearing upon said ap- violation of' any governing law,
<br /> , maintain a drive-in business within the plication to each of the property ownera ordinance, or regulation;
<br /> Village without first obtaining auch within 260 feet 6f the outer boundaries (2) that the licensee has not complied
<br /> apeci,a.L use permit or other permit as of the ]and which is the subject of the with all standards and provisions
<br /> may be required by the ordinances of application. The Clerk shall take such of a apecial use permit;
<br /> thie Village, and also obtaining a drive- names from the a4oresaid ownerahip re- (8) that the lieensee has pailed to prop- -
<br /> in license as hereinafter provided. port required to be filed by the appli- erly maintain all ]andscaped areas,
<br /> Section 3. Application Procednre, cant, and should make reasonable in- istructures, waste disposal con-
<br /> , Applicatiot3s for licenses issued here- quiry to verify the addresses used, but tainers, access drives, parking .
<br /> . under shal] be made upan blank forma- in no event shall the Clerk be re9uired areas, lighting, screening, and prepared ar.d made available bq the Vil- to search further than the telephone - other festures in a state of good -
<br /> ]age Clerk and shall include the follow- directory for the City of Saint Paul and, repair and appearance.
<br /> ing information, to-wit: if t:,e Clerk deems it neceseary, tele- (4) that the drive-in business consti- (1) The name: home address and pro- phone inquiry of the ofPice of the Ram- tutes a nuisance by reason of
<br /> posed busmess address of the ap- Bey County Treasurer to determine the noise, dieorderly conduct or im-
<br /> plicant; names and addresses used by that office mora] activity on the premises;
<br /> (2) The number of motor vehiclea with respect to asid parcels. -Suchnotice (b) that maste material is not prop- '
<br /> which the proposed drive-in busi- shall be mailed at least 10 days before erly stored in containers and tends ness is designed to accommodate; the date of the hearing, but in no to create a publie nuisance by
<br /> (3) The hours of operation for the pro- event shall failure of the Clerk to mail rendering property unclean, un-
<br /> nosed drive-tn business ; sueh notice, or failure to receive such safe, unsanitary, and unsightly.
<br /> (4) The Pact that the applicant has notice, invalidate the proceeding. Eefore revocation for any of . said
<br /> be(,n granted a special use permit . Published notice of said hearing shall causes the Council shall direct the Clerk . for the operation of a drive-in be given in the official Village newa- to mail notice to the licensee that ap-
<br /> business on the sub]ect premisea paper ky publication at ]east once ten
<br /> in accordance w~th the Zonmg parent cause exists for revocation of
<br /> Ordinance of Arden Hills and any days before the designated date of the the license The licensee, if he requests
<br /> other apglicable regulationa or hearing and not more than thirty davs it, shall then be granted a public hear-
<br /> before said dasignated date. The pub- ing before the Council at the next reg- -
<br /> ordinanees. Iished and mailed notiee provided herein ular Counci] meeting, but such requeat (6) The application shall be accom- shall contain a despription of 'the land by the licensee for a Council hearing
<br /> panied by an abstractor's owner_ which is the aubjeet of the ]icense ap- shnl] be made in writing addressed to ship report showing the property p]9catian. the Village Clerk. Following svch pvb-
<br /> owners within 250 feet of the out- At the time and place deaignated for lic hearing, if one is requested by the
<br /> er boundaries of the property the public hearing the Council or the licensee, the Council may then order
<br /> which is t'he subject of the license Planniniz Commisaion, if the matter has revceation of the ]icense if, in its sound
<br /> application, and the ownership of been referred to the Planning Commis- discretion, it finds good cause under
<br /> the property which is the subject Bion, shall hear all those supporting or the procieions hereof.
<br /> ~ of the application. oppoainG the lir.ense apUlication. Section 11. Severa6ility. .
<br /> (6) Such other and additiona] infor- Sertion 9. Reffalationa For Maintenance The provisions of this ordinance shall
<br /> mation as the Clerk aha]] conaider Of The Drive-In Bnsiness. be deemed aeverable, anc} in the event
<br /> necessary to effectuafg- the pur-" provision of.the o;dinance is found
<br /> pose of this Ordinance. A peraon granted a drive-in ]icense any
<br /> 8ection 4. Application Fee. under the provisione of this ordinance to be invalid or in violation of any
<br /> shall oDerate the busineas in accordance existing law, the other provisions here-
<br /> coAmnpanied by application an applihereundercation shall fbee e ac of - with the following regulations, to-wit, of shall continue to be in full force and
<br /> $26.00. (a) Qniet And Good Order. The li- effect.
<br /> Section S. Council Procedare, censee shall maintain quiet and Section 12. Penelties.
<br /> In the event the Clerk determines that good order upon the business perm- Violation dP this ordinance shall con-
<br /> the application and the accompanying ises and shall not permit disor- stitute a misdemeanor, punishable by
<br /> documents are in proper form and con- derly or immoral canduct or loit- $100.00 fine or ten days imprisonment. tain all re9uired information, the Clerk ering. 3ection 13. Effective Date.
<br /> shall then submit the application and all (b) Noise and other distnrbancea by Thia ordinance shall be in ful] force
<br /> papers to the Cauncil for its coneidera- patrons. Na person on Ehe drive-in and eff2et upon its passage and publica-
<br /> - tion. In -the event that the Clerk deter- premises shall race the motor -of tion.
<br /> mines that other information ia re- any motor vehicle, needlesely bring Passed b9 the Village Council af Ar-
<br /> quired the papera may be returned to to a sudden start or atop any mot- . den Hills this 26th day of June, 1967.
<br /> the applicant for such further informa- or vehicle, tinnecessarily blow any ROBERT E. NET$ERCUT,
<br /> tion. In the event the property is not horn, or, make or cause to be made MAYOR
<br /> properly zoned for a drive-in buainesa or any other loud or unseemly noise, Attest:
<br /> s apPCisl use permit has not been grant- nuisance or diaturbance whereby LORRAINE E. STROMQUIST
<br /> ed for a drive-in busineas on said prem- the quiet and good order of the Bdministrative Clerk
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