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, <br /> F <br /> ~ <br /> I <br /> ~ ~ t M~aYa, <br /> ~2,~:,~.,Y,.'z.4e <br /> Stat19 of t~,'~, C5 XI Ef t? ta <br /> CO'uAty of rcamsey <br /> Village of Araeri <br /> fJrdinance Ntamber 60 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING QRDSIVAN(:E i3UMB.FR 185 THE ZaNING <br /> OFiDINAN CE' WITH FdEFERENCE TO 'I"HE PROGLM3hE TO ~E FC~~LOWED <br /> ON AMIIdDME[+IT OF THE ZaNING t3R17IN:AINCE T0 R.E2ONE .r." :i-IOPERTY <br /> 1AII°I'HIN THE VILLAGE flg* AFDEN KxLI; ANJ3 UvIPQSI A~G R~,'"~UIREMENTS <br /> FOR NOTSCE AND Pt7BLIG YlEARIN4, <br /> ~ The Vt31age Coune3l of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby <br /> ordain as follows: <br /> SECTIQN la Seation 14 0f the Ordinapcs Number 18, knowra as tho <br /> Zoning OrdinaAOa, ln herobg arnen8ed to read as fai1owas toQwit- <br /> <br /> SECTIUN l4 o PROCEDURE Qld AMENDNMTS, <br /> <br /> The Village may frvm ti.iie to time amend thia (}rdinarace and the <br /> off'icial Zoning Mapo In ths evsnt that the Zonirzg OY°dinance <br /> and Zoning Mep are to be emeaded to change the zaning of sng <br /> property withi.n the Villago, the Counctl shall follaw the pr4- <br /> Qedure eet forth hereimA Suoh amending ardinances must be <br /> approved by a two-thirds vote of the Counailo <br /> (a) Applicationo <br /> Any perean, firm# or corporat3on hevSng an awnershig interest <br /> I in real estete in the V,illage of Arden Kills maJ Pila an <br /> application with the Village Clark to rexone sueh reQl estate <br /> or eny reel estate abutting thereon@ Suah apPlication may <br /> , be in the farm of a letter or a pgtition, and shall be <br /> accompaAied by ata abstre,ater$ sownership report alnewing the <br /> property owpara within two hundrsd fifty (250) feet of the <br /> outer bour,dariee of the lend propoaed to ba rez~~~~~ and <br /> tYie ownerahip of tho property sought ta be rezonciely together <br /> with a aurvey of tlge preperty to be rezaned, The Village <br /> clerk ahail promptly ro#'sr the appliaatiOn. owr~ership report <br /> and aurvoy to the Village Couxmcil for considerationo <br /> ( b' coutacil consiaora?tion. <br /> The Village Council may refer suah appliaation for approprints <br /> camaittee atudy ar maya in the event it dotermines the applim <br /> oation is without aufficient merit to warrant further aoneider- <br /> ation, raturn the sppltaetion to the applicant, <br /> In the event thst the Counoil ooneiders auah application <br /> to have merito ths Counci1 aha11 order the matter to be <br /> aonaiderad by the Counoil at e public henring0 Published <br /> aotioa of said 'nsaring ahall be given in the oPficia]. Villago <br /> newagepar by publication at leeet once ton days before the <br /> deaignated date of the hear3ng and not more thare thirty daye <br /> , bet'ore suah das3gctated date. Sa3d published notice shall <br /> oontain a description of the land propased tca be rezoned <br /> snd the nature of the propoaed change in zoning, <br /> (a) Mailed Notioeo <br /> At least ten daye before the date of ssid hearing the <br /> Village Clerk ahal.i mail a copy of such notioe ta each of <br /> the ownera of the property sought to be rezoned end to each <br /> of th,e praperty ownera Rithin two hundred fifty (250) t'set <br /> of the outer bounderies of the lapd proposed to be xezoraed. <br /> The Clerk ahall take sald namea from the aforesaid cxvnex- <br /> ahip report, and ahould make reasonable inquiry to verifg <br /> tho addresaea uaed, but in no event ahall the clerk be re- <br /> quired ta aearoh t'urther than the telephone di.rectAry for <br /> the city of 3t. Paul end, if the C1erk deems it necesaaryD <br /> telephone iaquity of the officeof the Ramsey County Traasm <br /> uiter to determins the nemea and eddresaes used by that <br /> .f~/.L u16,~'~y . <br /> AlQo 11~iN,11 refQ.S•"eon" S+o sa1.M T?'a ri+M. ~ae6~k~llro!!! <br /> t'aflure of tha C1.erk to msil euah notice or failure to re- <br /> oefvd aaah notice invelldate the proceaclinga <br />