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<br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOT.A <br /> COUNTY OF' RdtMSEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 23 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE RELATING 9DCtJ'RFE'VJ FOR AIINQRS UNDER THE AGE OF 16 ~'EARS <br /> <br /> THE VILLAGE COURTGIL OF ARDEN HILLS DQ ORDAIN AS FCLLDWS: <br /> <br /> SECTION l. Thi s ordinariee is hereby designated and shall be <br /> known as e MrPew Ordinance. <br /> • SECTiON 2. It shall be unlawful far the parent, ga.ardian or <br /> other a u person having the care and cus'tody of a minor under the <br /> age of 16 years to permit sueh ;ninor to loiter, idle, or be in or ' <br /> u.pvn the publie street, highwags roads, al leys, pa rks, playgrounds s <br /> or other public graundsp publie places and public buildings, plaees <br /> of amusement9 entertairurent or refreshjmnt, vacant lots or other <br /> unsupervised places between the hours of 9: p om, and 5:00 a.m. of the <br /> following day, official village time, from the 1st day of Oetober to <br /> the 31st day of E7etober to the 31st day of Mareh, both date inelu- <br /> sive and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. of the day <br /> followingp official village time, frorn the Zst day of April to the <br /> 30th day of September, both dates inelusive g provided, however, <br /> that the provisions of this section sha11 not apply when the mincm <br /> is accompaniedby his parent,,~ guardian or other adult person havirig <br /> the eare and custody cf the rn.inor or when the minor is upon an <br /> e rrand directed by his or Yae r'*parent,9 guardiari or 4ther adult pe r- <br /> sons having the care and custody cf the minor, <br /> SECTIQN 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or <br /> cbrpora on operating or in charge of any place of amusement, <br /> entertairunsnt or refreshment to permit any minor under the age of <br /> 16 years to enter or remain in sz ch place during the hours pro- <br /> hibited by this ordinanee s provided however, that the provisions <br /> of th:is section shall not apply when sueh minor is accompaniecl <br /> by his or her pare nt g guardi ari or other adult perso n having the <br /> eare and custody of the minor. <br /> SECTI(7 N 4 a The Ma-yor o r Chief of Pol3.ce s upcsn the re que st <br /> of the uper nendent of the Publie Schpols or the Parochial <br /> schools, ar the head of any other re sponsible o rganizat ion of the <br /> Village of Arden Hillso may designate certai.n nights during the <br /> sehool year as "tSchool. Nights" at time as said schools shall <br /> be engaged in athletic, musieal9 dramatic or social actiditie s for <br /> the benefit or entertainment of its studentso The provisions of <br /> Seetions 1 and 2 of thi.s ordinance shall not app].y to any student <br /> under the age of 16 years or ta his or her parenta guardian or <br /> other adul.t person having the carae and custody of° such minor vQho, <br /> is lavPfully going to, attending or returning from any such sehool <br /> funcstion or ariy designated "School NightsF1; provided havever9 that <br /> the Iimitations of Sections T and 2 and the penalties for violation <br /> there of diall apply in ail re spe cts on any such "School Nights" <br /> • betaveen the hours of 11:00 poma an.d 5400 aama of the foll.owing day, <br /> offical village tim . <br /> SEGTION 5. Any minor g under the age of 16 ye ars who shal1 <br /> violaW-Me proaisions of this ordinarne shall be deemed as a de- <br /> linquent ehild as defined in Minnesota Statutee 1941, Seetion <br /> 260a01. <br />