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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA (a) Adopt by-laws and rules for the <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY conduct of its affairs including the elec- <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS tion, assumption of duties and definition <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 105 of responsibilities of of£icers and com- <br /> AN ORrINANCE ESTABLISHING A mitteea. <br /> HUMAN RIGH;S COMMISSION AND (b) Draft a memorandum of agree- <br /> PROVIDING FOR ITS DUTIES AND ment with the Minnesota Department of <br /> RESPONSIBILITIES. Human Rights for the purpose of deter- <br /> The Council of the Village of Ard--n mining regu]atory and enforeemenC pro- <br /> Hills does hereby ordain as followa: cedurea. . <br /> Section 1.. Declaration of Polizy. We (c) Enlist the cooperation of agencies, . , , <br /> hereby dec]are that it is the public pol- organizations and individuals in the com- <br /> icy of the Village of Arden Hills to ful- munity in an active program directed to ° <br /> fill its responaibility as a partner of create equal opportunity snd eliminate <br /> . the Minnesota Department of Human discrimination and inequalitiea. <br /> Righta in securing for all citizens equal . (d) Forxqulate a human relations pro- <br /> - . <br /> opportunity in houaing, employment, gram for the Village of Arden Hills to - <br /> public accomodations, public servicea and give increased effectiveneas and direction <br /> , education, and to work consistently to to the work of all individua]s and agen- <br /> improve the human relations climate of cies addressing themselves to planning, , - <br /> the Village of Arden Hills. poiicy making apd educational program- Section 2. Human RiBhta Commisaion. ming in the area of civil and human <br /> There is hereby established within the rights. <br /> Village of Arden Hilla a$uman Rights (e) Advise the ma9^r, the Village <br /> Commission. Council and other agen-ies of the govern- <br /> Section 3. Pntpoae of Commission. The ment on human relationa and civil rights <br /> purpose of the commission is to secure problems ; act in an advisory capacity <br /> for all citizens equal opportunity in em- with respect to planning or operation of - plopment, housing, public accomodations, anp village department on issues of civil <br /> pubiic services and education and fulI and human rights and recommend the <br /> participation in the affairs of this com- adoption oP such sPeeific policiea or ac- <br /> munity by assisting the Minnesota De- tiona as are needed to provide for full <br /> partment of Human Rights in imple- ' equal opportunity in the community. <br /> menting the Minnesota State Act (f) Develop in cooperation with the <br /> Against Discrimination and by advising Minneso*a Department of Human Rights <br /> the Village Council on long range pro- such programs of formal and informal - <br /> grams to improve community relations education as will assiat in the imUlemen- <br /> in the Village of Arden Hills. tation of the Minnesota State A,t <br /> 3ection 4, Composition of Commission. Against Discrimination and provide fnr <br /> The commiasion shall eonsist of 6 mem- _ the commission's assumption of leader- bers to be appointed by the mayor by ship in recognizing and resolving poten- <br /> and with the advice and consent of the tial problem areas in the community. <br /> Council. Members 'of the commission 3ec4ion 6. Effective Date. This ordi- <br /> shall be appointed with due regard to nance ahall be in effect from and after <br /> their fitnesa for the efficient dispatch of its passage and publication. <br /> the funetions powers and duties vested Passed by the Council of'Arden Hills , <br /> in and imposed upon the commiasion. - this 27th day of Map, 1968. <br /> Members of the eommission, after the Robert Bjorndahl, Mayor <br /> original appointmenta, aha11 be apDOint- Attest: . <br /> ed for terms of three (3) years, except Lorraine E. Stromquiet, <br /> £hat ang person appointed to fill a va_ Administrative Clerk - cancy occurring prior to the expiration (Bulletin: June 6, 1968) <br /> of the term for which his predecee- <br /> sor wea appointed shall be appointed <br /> only for the remainder of such ~ <br /> term. UPOn the exparation of his term of . office a member shall continue to serve <br /> ' until his successor is appointed and shall <br /> have qualified. The f?rst commission shall <br /> coneist of two members aPpointed for a . <br /> - term of three years, two members £or a <br /> term of two years, and two members for - , <br /> a term of one year. The members of the <br /> commission shall serve without compen- sation and ma.y be removed from office <br /> for cause by the mayor. <br /> Section 5. Duties and Responsibilitiea. <br /> of Commiasion. In fulfillment of its pur- <br /> pose the commission's duties and re- <br /> sp.,nsibilities shall be to: <br /> • <br /> ~ <br />