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<br /> <br /> STATE 0 F TdINNES OTA <br /> CC)LTIqTY dF RA1KSLY <br /> VILLAGE OF -LRDEEN HILLS <br /> ORD INANGL Nt1M EER 29 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN QRDINAIUE LIGENSING AND REGULr'TING itCHAh'IGAL MU aICAL D.EVICES <br /> AND PRC3VIDING A PENALTY FQR THE, VIO I.ATION T1TIEREOF e <br /> THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ARDLN HILLS DQ ORDAIN ~'~S FOLLOWSe <br /> <br /> SECTIt7N 1s LiCEY1?42 Requirede No persoTi, firm or corpor- <br /> ation e ier as princlpa a agen , essor' or 1.essee sha11 possess9 <br /> keep, permit or maintain any mechanical musciaY device on any pre- <br /> ~ miseb under his or its control, within this Village and open to <br /> the public cm any graup or cl.ass thereof, withaut first havin.g <br /> appZied for and received a license for eaeh such maehine as herein <br /> provided. A mechariical muscial device under this ordinarice Ehall <br /> rnean and include any devie e for prvducing9 r^eprodu.cing or playing <br /> muscial selections or rumbers, either socal or instrsu,mental, ar <br /> both, which is operated by depositing therein a coin or tokena <br /> It shall also mean and include any such device vahich i5 operated <br /> mechan.3cally to render definite muscial selections or numbers <br /> selected by the operators or othersa 'as afvr^esaids af'ter the di- <br /> rect or indirect payment therefor9 but., the prosisions hereof <br /> shall not include radios nor phonographs records or <br /> rnuscial recordings upon which the records ar recordings are pl.aced <br /> and reinoved by hand and for the operdtion of whieh nd payment is <br /> required either by the deposit of a coin or token in the device <br /> itself or by the same to the owner or operatoro <br /> SECTiQN 2. Application for License Feess Any persan,, <br /> firm, or corporatian es ring a icense vr an7 machine or de- <br /> viee hereunder shal.l file an application therefor with the Vil- <br /> 1 age C le rk on a form to be pro d by the muni c ip a7. ity s and <br /> shall gi ve the name o f the applieant 9 the trade name and a <br /> general description of the device to be licensed, the name and <br /> address of the nwner of the device 4 other than the licensee a <br /> the address af the premise s where the licensed device is to be <br /> aperated tagether with the character of the business carried on <br /> at that place, and th.e denomination of the coin or eains re m <br /> quired for the operation of the devioe } of the value of the token <br /> used in lieu thereof or a state=nt af any other payment, direot <br /> or indirect that, will be required and receiJed f°or sueh operat iono <br /> Esery such application shall be accompanied bg an annual fee of <br /> $10 e 00 whi ch ,shal l be p aid to the Vi llage Tre asury by the C lerk <br /> upon the granting of the license requested. If the license is <br /> denied the fee sha11 be re#unded.. <br /> SECTTON 3. Tssuame and Term of License e Applications <br /> for 1 censes ~reun er s a rs e re erre ythe Glerk to <br /> the police departmnt and if the business operated on the pre- <br /> mises wherE the perm3.t is requested is as described in the appli- <br /> cation and the same is being legally operated and the device to <br /> be licensed wi11 not clearly constitute anuisance in the pr^oposed <br /> location t,he department shall apprave of the appYicationo Every <br /> ~ application shall then be subinitted to the Council f°or approval.. <br /> No iicense issued hereurder shall be tr^ansferred to another loeam <br /> tion nor to another device. <br />