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~ <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS council far its aetion. Such arrange- the council and the public, a compre- state and eorrelated with the civil de- C'OUNTY OF RAMSEY ments shall be consistent with the hensive report of the activities of the fense Plans of other golitical swb- <br /> ' - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA atate defense. plan, and during a civil civil defense agency during the year. divisions within the state. <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 63 defense emergency, it shall bethe duty Subdivision 4. In accordance with the <br /> AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR of the civil defense forcea to render SECTION 7 state and Village civil defense glan, the <br /> CIVIL DEFENSE AND FOR PROTEC- assistance in accordance with the pro- CONFORMITY AND COOPERATION director shall institute swch training <br /> TION AND PROMOTION OF PUB- visions of such mutual aid arrange- WITH FEDERAL AND STATE programs and public information pro- <br /> LIC SAFETY> HEAI.TA, AND WE.L- ments. Any mutual aid arrangement AUTHOAITY grams and shall take all other pre- ' <br /> FARE IN THE VILLAGE OF ARDEN with a political subdiviaion or another Every officer and agency of the paratory steps, including the Partial <br /> HILLS DURING CIVIL DEFEN3E atate shall be subject to the aDproval Village shall coaperate with federa] ar full mobiliaation of civil defense <br /> EMERGENCIES. of the 8overnor. and state suthorities and with suth- forces in advance of actual disaster, as <br /> SECTION 1 Subdivieian 2. During the firat 30 orized agencies engaged in civil de. may be neeessary to the promPt and , <br /> POLICY AND PURPOSE daYS of a civil defenae emergency, iY fense and emergency measures to the effeetive operation of the Village <br /> Subdivision 1. Because of the exist- the legislature is in session or the fullest poseible extent, eonsistent with civil defense plan in time of a civil <br /> ing and increasing possibility af the governor has cowpled hia declaration of the performance of their other duties. defense emergency. He may, from <br /> occurence of disasters of unpreeedent- the emergency with a call for aspecial The Provisiona of this ordinance and time to time, conduct such practice air- <br /> ed size. and destructiveness. resulting . session of the legislature, the direct- of all regwlations made thereunder raid alerta or other civil defense ex- <br /> fram enemy attack, sabotage, or other or may, when necessary to save life or shall be subject to all applicable and ercisea as he may deem necessarY• <br /> hosti2e action, or from fire, flood, proDerty, require any Derson, except controlling provisions of federal and Snbdivision 5. The director shall ut- <br /> earthqnake or other natural causes, and members of the federal or state mili- State laws and of regiIIations and or- ilize the personnel, services, equipment, <br /> in order to insure that preparationa of tary forces and offieers of the state ders isaued thereunder and shall be sup~plies and facilities of existing de- <br /> thia Village will be adequate to deal or any other political subdivision, to deemed to be auspended and inoperative partments and agencies of the Village <br /> with sueh disasters, and generally, to Berform services for civil defense pur- So far as there is any conflict there- to the maximum extent practicable. <br /> provide for the common defense and poses as he directs, and he may com- with. The Village mayor may aDDOint The officers and personnel of al] such <br /> to protect the public Peace, health, mandeer, for the time being, any motor any qualified person holding . a posi- departments and ageneiea shall, to the <br /> and safety, and to preserve the lives vehicle, tools, agDliances arany other tion in any agencq created under ma :imum extent practicable, cooPerate <br /> and property of the People of this Vil- gropertY, subject to the owner's right federal or state authority for civil de- with and extend such aervicea and fa- <br /> ~e, it ia hereby found and cleclared to just comgensation asProvided by. pense ~purposes as a apecia] policeman cilities to the loeal civil agency <br /> be necessary: law. of the Village, with such police pow- and to tha governor upon request. The <br /> (a) To establish a lceal civil defense SEGTION 6 ers and dutiea within the Village in- head of each department and agency, <br /> agency; GEIVERAL PROVI3IONS ON cident to the funetions of hia position, in cooperation with and wnder the dir- <br /> (b) To provide for the exercise of GIVIL DEFENSE WORKER5 not exeeeding those of a regular police- ection of the director, shall be respons- <br /> neeeasary poweis during civil de- 'Snbdivisioa 1. No Derson shall be em- . rnan of the Village, as may . be pre- ible for the Planning and program- <br /> fense emergencies; ployed ar associated in any capacity ~n Scribed in the appointment. Every such ming of such civil defense setivities <br /> (c) To provide for the rendering of the: civil. defense agency. who advo- apecial policeman..shall besubject to as will involve the utili2ation of the <br /> " mutual aid between this Village cates or has advceated a change by the supervision and control of the chief facilities of his department or agency. <br /> and other Political subdivisions of force or violence in the constitutional oP Dolieeand such other police officerig Subdivision 6. The director shall, in <br /> this state and of other states with form of government in the United of the Village as the chief may des- cooPeration with ezisting Village de- <br /> respect to the carrying out of Statea, or who has been convicted of ignate. partments and agencies affected, or- <br /> civil defenae funetions. or is under indictment or information ganize, recruit, and train air-raid war- <br /> Snbdivision 2. It is further declared charging any subveraive act againet SECTION 8 dens, auxiliary police, auxiliary fire- <br /> to be the purPOSe of this ordinance and the United States. Eaeh Dereon who CIVIL DEFENSE A men, emergeney medical personnel, and <br /> the Policy of the Village that all civil is agpointed to serve in the civil de- GOVER:NMENTAL FUNCTION other personnel that may be required <br /> . defense functions of this Village be fense agency ahall, before entering up- All funotions herewnder and all other on a volunteer basis to carry out the <br /> coordinated to the maximum extent on his duties, take an oath in writ- . 8ctivities relating to civildefense are eivil defense plans of the Village and <br /> practicable with the comparable func- ing before a person suthorized to ad- hereby declared to be Sovernmental the state. To the extent that such <br /> tions of the federal government, of this minister oaths in this state, or b~ functions. The Village, and, except in etnergency personnel is recruited to <br /> state, and of other states and localities, fore any officer of the state depsrt- cases of willful misconduct, its of- augment a regular Village department <br /> snd of private agencies of every type, ment of civil defense, the $irector, or ficera, agent, emDloyees, or reDresent- or agency for civil defense emergencies, <br /> to the end that the most effective pre- ground observer corps supervisor. The atives engaged in any civil defense it shall be assigned to such depart- <br /> parations and use may be made of the oath shall be substantially in the form activities, while complying with or at- ment or agency for purposes of ad- <br /> nation's manpower, resourcesand fa- prescribed by Minn. Stata. Sec. 12.43. temgting to comply with the Minne- miniatration and command. The dir- <br /> cilities for dealing with any disaster Subdivision 2. Civil defenae volun- 8Ota Civil Defense Act of 1951 as ector may dismiss any civil defense <br /> that may oceur. teers shall be called into service only amended (Minn. Stats. Secs. 12.01 to volunteer at any time and require him <br /> SECTION 2 in case of acivil defense emergency 12.46) or with this ordinance or any to surrender any e4uipment and ident- <br /> DEFINITIONS or anatural disaster for which the pule, regulation or order mad.e there- ification fwrnished b9 the Village. <br /> Subdivision 1. "Civil Defense" means regular municipal forces are inade- under, shall not be liable for the death Subdivision 7. Consistent with the <br /> the preparation for and the carrying- 9uate, or for necagsary training and of or sny injury to persona, or damage civil defense plan, the director shall <br /> omt of all emergency funetions, other Preparation for guch emergencies. All to yroDerty as a result of such activity. provide and equip emergeney hosBitals, <br /> than functions for which military forc- volunteera shall serve without compen- The pmvisions of this section shall not casualty stations, ambulances, canteena, <br /> es are primarily reaponsible, to prevent, sation. affect the right of any Derson to rr evacuation centers, and other facilib <br /> minimize and repair injury and dam- Subdivision 3. Each civil defense ceive benefits to which he would other- ies, or conveyances for the care of <br /> age resulting from disasters cauaed by volunteer shall be provided with such wise be entitled under this ordinance injured or homeless persons. <br /> enemy attack, sabotage, ar other enemy suitable insignia or other identifica- or under the workmen's compensation Subdivision 8. The director shall <br /> hostile action, or from fire, flood, tion as may be required by the direct- . law, or under any Denaion Iaw, nor the carry out all ordera, rules and regula- <br /> earthquake, or other natural causes. or. Such identification shall be in a right of any sueh person to receive tions issued by the governor with ref- <br /> These functiona include, without limit- form and style approved by the federal any beneYits or compensation under any erence to civil defense. <br /> ation, fire-fighting services, police ser- government. No volunteer shall exer- $et of Congress to which it relates, Subdivision 9. The direetor shall dir- <br /> vices, medical and health services, res- eLSe any awthority over the persons or whichever occura first.. Any ordinance, ect an@ coordinate the general opera- <br /> cue, engineering, sir-raid warning ser- Property of others without his identifi- rule or regwlation inconsistent with an tions of all local civil defense forcex <br /> vices, communications, radiological, cation. No person except an authoriz- emergency regulation. promulgated by during a civil defense emergency in <br /> ehemicaland other special weaPOns de- ed valunteer shall use the identifica- the mayor shall be suspended during conformity with controlling regula- <br /> fense, evacuation of peraons from tion of a volunteer or other wise rep- the period of time and to the extent tions and instructions of state civil de- <br /> striken areas, amergency welfare ser- resent himself to be an authorized },hat such confliet exists, fense authorities. The heads of de- <br /> vices, emergency transportation, exist- volunteer. During a civil defense emergency partments and agencies shall be <br /> ing or properly assigned functions of Subdivision 4. No civil defense volun- the Village is, notwithstanding any governed by his orders in respect <br /> Plant protection, tem porary restora- teer shall carry any firearm whileon ry or charter ~provision to the thereto. <br /> tion of.PUblic utility services, and other duty except on written order of the statuto contrary> empowered, through. its Subdivision 10. Consistent with the <br /> funetionsrelated to eivilian Arotection, chief of the police department. governing body acting within or with- civil defense Plan, the director shall <br /> together with all other activities nec- Subdivision 5. Personnel procedures out the corporate limita of the Village, provide and equip at some suitable <br /> essary or incidental to preparation for ofthe Village agplicable to regular to enter into contracts and incur ob- place in the Viliabe a control center and carrying out of the foregoing fumc- ~ployees shall not apply to volunteer ligationa necessary to combat such dis- and, if required by the state civil de- <br /> tions. civil defenae workers but shall apply a,qter by protecting the health and fense plan, an suxiliary control center <br /> Subdivision 2. "Civil defense emer-. to paid employees of the civil defense $afety of Dersons and property, and to be used during a civil defense em- <br /> geney"meansan emergency declared a$enc9•. providing emergency assistance to the ergency as headquarters for directaon <br /> by the Governar under Minn. Stats. Sec. victims of such diaaster. The Village and coordination of civil defense forces. <br /> 12.31. SE'CTION 6 may exerciae swch powera in the light He shall anange for representation at <br /> Subdiviaion 3, °Civil defense forces" EMERGENCY REGULATION3 of the exigencies of the disagter with- the control center by municipal de- <br /> means any peraonnel employed by the Sabdivisian 1. Whenever necessary out compliance with time-consuming partments and agencies, public utilitiea <br /> Village and any other volunteer or to meet a civil defenae emergency or ,pracedures and formalities preacribed and other agencies authorized by fed- <br /> . paid member of the local civil defense to Prepare ior such an emergency for by law pertaining to the performance eral or state authority to carry on agency engaged in carrying on civil which adequate regulations have not of public work, entering into contraets, civil defense activities during a civil <br /> defense functions in accordance with . been. adopted by the Sovernor or the incwrring of obligations, employment defense emergency. Ae shall arrange <br /> the provisions of thia ordinance or any Village council, the mayor may by of temporary workets, rental of equip- for the installation at the control <br /> rule or order thereunder. praclamation promulgate regulations, ment, Durchase of supplies and mater- center of necessary facilities for com- <br /> SECTION 3 consistent with applicable federal or j$ls, limita.tions u,pon tax levies, and munication with and between heads of <br /> ESTABLISHMENT OF CIVIL state law or regulation, respecting: the appropriation and eacpenditure of civil defense divisions, the stations and <br /> DEFENSE AGENCY protection against air-raids;the sound- publia funds, for example, but not lim- operating units of municipal services <br /> Subdivision 1. There is hereby creat- ing of air-raid alarms ;the conduct of ited to, publication of ordinances and and other ag::ncies concerned with <br /> ed within the Village government apersons and the use of Froperty. during resolutions, publication of ca11s for . civil defense anu for communication <br /> civil defense agency, which shall be un- alarms, • the repair,. maintenance, and bids, Droviaions of civil serviee 1aws with other communities and control <br /> derthe supervision and control of asafeguarding of essential public servic- and rules, provisions relating to low centers, within the surrounding area <br /> director of civil defense, hereinafter es; emergency health, fire, and safety bids, and requirements for budgets. and with federal and sta.te agencies <br /> called the director. The director shall regulations, trial drills or practice per- SECTION 9 concerned. - be appointed by the mayor for an in- iods required for preliminary training ; CIVIL DEFENSE AGENCY SECTION 10 <br /> definite term and may be removed by and all other matters which are re- PROHIBITED ILLUMINATION A <br /> him at any time. He shall serve with- 4uired to protect public safety, heaJth, PROCEDURE T,TUISANCE <br /> "out saIary,but shall be paid ~his nec- and welfare in civil defense emergen- . Subdivision 1. There is hereby es- Any illumination within the Village <br /> essary expenses. The director shall cies. Noregulation governingobserva- tablished an account in the General contrary to the provisions of this or . <br /> have direct responsibilityforthe or- tion of enemy.aircraft, air attack, a]- be knovm as the Civil Defense any other ordinance pertaining to civil <br /> ganization, acl'ninistration and opera- arms, or illumination during air at- Acccunt. Into this accownt shall be defense or of any regulation adopted <br /> tion of the civil defenaeagency, sub-taeks adopted or take. effect p]aced the Proceeds.of taxes levied for thereunder or of any federal or state <br /> 7ect to the direction -andeontrol of . unless approvedby the state director of civil defense, money transferred from law, regulation, or order shall be deem- <br /> the mayor. The civil defenaeagency civil defenae. other revenues of the civil @efense ed a public nuisance. Any refiular (or <br /> shall be organized into- such divisions . Subdivision 2. Every proclamation of agency. From it shall be made ex- <br /> and bureaus, consistent with sta.te and emergency regulations shall be in writ- Penditures £ auxiliary) policemen (or air-raid waz- <br /> local civil defense ~plana, as the dir- ing.. and signed by the mayor, ahallbe or the operation and main- den) may abate such nuisance summar- <br /> articular civ- tenanceof the civil defense agency and ily or may take any other action nec- <br /> ector deemsnecessary to provide fordated,sha11 refer to thep <br /> the effieient performance of local civil il defense emergency to which- it per- Reguotherlar expenditures accounting, for diseivil dbursemefenseent.> essary to enforce such provisiona, in- <br /> . <br /> defense funetions during a civil de- tains, if so limited, and shall be filed cluding entry on private property and <br /> the . office of the Villa clerk, Purchasing, budgeting and other finan- the use of whatevar reasonable force <br /> fense emergency. The civil defenee in ge cial procedures af the city shall aPPly is necessary. <br /> agency shall perform civil defense where a copy. shall be kept posted and to the civil defense account insofar as SECTION 11 <br /> . funetions within the Village as may available forpublic inapection during ,practicable• but budgeting require- pARTICIPATION IN LABOR <br /> be required Furauant to the provisions business hours. Notice of the exietence ments and~ other financial pxocedures. DISPUTE OR POLITICB <br /> of the Minnesota Civil Defense Act of such regulation and ita availabil- shall not apply to expenditures from The civil defense agency shall not <br /> 951, as amended, or this ordinance.ityfor inspection at the clerk's office the account d'uring 1961 or in any . participate in any form of Political <br /> ubdivision 2. There is hereby ereat- shall be conspicuously posted at the case wh¢ntheir aPPlication will pre- activity nor.shall it be employed direct- <br /> "bvithin the civil defense a civil de- front af the. Village hall or other vent compliance with terms and con- ly or indirectly for political purposes, <br /> ense advisory committee, hereinafter headquarters of the Viliage and at ditions of a federal or atate grant of nor shall it be employed in a legiti- <br /> called the "committee." Members of euch other places in the affected area money or praperty for civil defenae pur- the committee shall be appointed by as the mayor shall designate in the poses.. . mate labor dispute. <br /> the mayor to regresent Village depart- groclamation. Thereupon the regula- 3ubdivision 2. . The director shall SECTION 12 <br /> PENALTY <br /> ments and other groups concerned with tion shall take effect immediately or make such studies and surveys of the Any person who vioiatea any pro- <br /> civil defense..The mayor shall be chsir- at sueh other placesin the affected area manpower, industries, resources, and vision of this ordinance ar of any <br /> . man and the director sha11be sec- as the maYor shall designate in the facilities of the Viilage as he deems regulation adopted thereunder relat- <br /> retaryof the committee. The ~commit-proclamation. Thereupon the regula- necessary to determine their adequacy . ing to acta, omissions, or conduct other ' <br /> tee shall advise the director and the tionahall take effect.immediately or at for civil defense and to plan for their than official acts of Village officera <br /> Village.councii on all. matters per- such other placesin the affected area mostefficient use in time of. acivil or employees shall be guilty of a mis- <br /> taining to civildefense. Esch member as the mayor shall designate in the defense emergency. demeanor, and upon conviction shall be <br /> shall serve without compensation and groclamation. Thereupon the regulation Subdivision 3. The director shall prr punished by a fine of not more than <br /> shall hold office at the pleasure oY shall take effect immediately or at pare a comprehensive general plan for $100.00 or by imprisonment for not <br /> . the mayor.such. later time as may be specified in. the civil defense of the Village and more than 90 days. <br /> BECTION 4 the Proclamation. $y likeproclama- shall present such plan to the Council <br /> POWERS AND DU1"IES OF THE tion the mayor may modify or reseind for its approval. When the council has SECTION 13 <br /> DIRECTOR any such regulation. approved the plan by resolution, it EFFECTIVE DATE <br /> Subdivision 1. The director, with the 8ubdivision 3, The council may res- shall be the duty of all municipal This ordinance shall take effect wpon <br /> consent of the mayor, shall represent cind any such regulation by resolu- agencies' and all eivil defenae forces its passage and publication. <br /> the Village on any regional or state tion at any time. If not sooner res- of the Village to perform the duties Adopted by the council this 27th day <br /> organization for civil defenae. He shall cinded, every such regulation shall ex- and functions assigned lay the plan as of December, 1961. <br /> develop Proposed mutual aid agree- pire at the end of 30 da.ya after its approved. The plan may be modified in Robert O. Ashbach <br /> menta with other political subdivisions effective date or at the end of the like manner from time to time. The Mayor <br /> within or outside the state for reei- cinil defense emergency. director shall coordinate the civil de- Attest: <br /> procal civil defense sid and assistance Subdivision 4. The director ahall, as fense activities of the Village to the Lorraine Stromquiat <br /> in a civil defenae emergeney too great Boon as possible sfter the end of each end that they shall be - consiatent and p]erk <br /> to be dealt with unasaisted, and he fiacai -year, prepaxe and present to the fully integrated with the civil defense Publiahed in the New Brighton <br /> shall preaent such agreeinents to the Village counci] for the information of glan of the federal government and the Bulletin on January 11, 1962. <br /> e <br />