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T0: <br />I '�� <br />City Coia�.ci1 <br />Jim Andre <br />September 13, 1976 <br />SUBJECT: Correction of Minutes of August 16 and August 23 <br />At the August 23, meeting the Council moved to correc� the minutes <br />of August 16, concerning the motion on the public improvement pxojects. <br />The intent of the correction was to change the wora "public hearing" <br />to "matter", because the publ.ic hearing on these improvements was closed <br />on Augusr I0, However, the arnended minutes of August 23, omitted the <br />roll call to amend the original motion. Therefore, the follawing rr�ation <br />is in order: <br />Motion that the minutes of the xegular meeting of August 23, <br />1976, (Item A-2} amending the minutes af the special meeting of <br />Augrust 16, 2976, (Item B-1) be amend.ed to read: <br />"Grauel Moved, G�rley Seconded, �hat the matter regardixtg <br />Public T�rovements Projects 77-0 and 77-A be continued imtil <br />the meeting of November IS, I97b, in to give residents <br />an oppor�Cimity to petition for street improvem,ents. <br />Demos Moved, Hess Seconded, to amend the motion to continue <br />the ma.tter to include the establishment of a CitizenYs Committee <br />consisting o� ten persons, two persons appoznted by each, <br />charged with reviewing the need, cost, iigures, criteria far <br />exclusion, timetable, if any, modificat�on of standards and con- <br />sideration of applicants for improvea streets. <br />Rall Call an Amendment: Ayes: Hess, Anderson, Curley, Grauel <br />and Demos. Nays: None. <br />Roll Call on original motion as amended: Ayes: Hess, Anderson, <br />Curley, Grauel and Uemos. Nays: None." <br />