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Y�l�;` ���i�g T � <br />VISTA 2000 1�E�'�lZ"T <br />��°��iflng Rosevi�le'� 'I'omo��ow 'I'oda� <br />A�l�e Print for Roseville in t�e 21st Century. <br />(reprinted wiih accomplishmcnts, March 25, 2003) <br />In 1992, the City of Roseville invited residents to participate in Vista 2000 — a series of forums <br />designed to brir�g together citizens, city officials, and business, education and civic groups to <br />create a vision of our community's future. Participants met in July to discuss problems, identify <br />opportunities and formu�ate plans to guide Roseville into the 21st century. <br />Respanse to Vista 2000 was tremendous. More than 200 residents attended and more than 150 <br />others voiced concerns and suggestions for Roseville's future by mail. Following the forurns, over <br />50 residents formed six study groups to expiore possibilities for the fu#ure. After months of work, <br />each group outlined its vision and set forth goals infiended to guide Rosevil�e into the year 2000 <br />and beyond. The City Council adopted the report and in 1993-94 the Planning Commission <br />rewrate the City's Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Vista 2000 vision and goals. The City <br />Council, in turn adopted the Comprehensive Plan and a 5 year Capital Improvement Plan process. <br />Both the Comprehensive Plan and the 5 year Capital Improvement Plan continue to be updated <br />annually, items shown in "Red" are in progress or have been accomplislaed as of January 2003. <br />Economic Development (Edward Roberts, Chair) ............................................. 2-4 <br />Housing (SalCy Olson, Chair) <br />Leisure (Joanne Chabot, Chair) <br />....................................................... . <br />Public Safety (Louellen Essex, Chair} ................................................................. <br />Transportation (Harry Wernecke, Chair) ........................................................... <br />Environmental Issues (Dennis McClelland, ChQir) ........................................... <br />City of Roseville 2bb0 Civic Center Drive Roseville, MN 55113 <br />both the City Council and the HRAPhone: 651-490-22U0 • Faz: 651�490-2931 <br />httn: // Q. us <br />Vista 2000 Report Page 1 of 22 <br />5-6 <br />7-i 1 <br />12-13 <br />16-19 <br />20-22 <br />