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Joint School Board No. 623 and Roseville City Council Meeting <br /> Notes <br /> District Center, 1251 County Road B-2 West <br /> June 26, 2012 <br /> Roll Call <br /> School Board Chair Kitty Gogins and Superintendent John Thein welcomed Roseville City <br /> Councilmembers to this meeting of the School Board to discuss collaboration and partnerships <br /> between the City and School District. <br /> School Board Members present: Chair Kitty Gogins; Kaying Thao; Lisa Edstrom; Erin Azer; <br /> William Majerus; and Mona Langston <br /> Roseville City Councilmembers present: Mayor Roe; Councilmembers Pust and Willmus. <br /> Mayor Roe announced that Councilmember McGehee was unable to attend due to a prior con- <br /> flict; and that earlier today, Councilmember Johnson had advised that he would be unable to <br /> attend due to illness. <br /> City Manager Malinen was also present; along with many City Department Heads and school <br /> staff members. <br /> Agenda/Key Topics for Discussssion Agenda <br /> Chair Gogins welcomed everyone and introductions were made of the respective bodies. Chair <br /> Gogins noted that City Manager Malinen, Dr. Thein, Mayor Roe and she had met earlier to de- <br /> velop tonight's discussion points and potential areas of new collaborative efforts and partner- <br /> ships. <br /> Dr. Thein referenced information provided by the City and School District 623 outlining cur- <br /> rent collaborative efforts among the City and School District 623, including activities, events, <br /> pathways, and facilities. Dr. Thein encouraged an open dialogue on potential new ideas to col- <br /> laborate; and reviewed some of the areas of support by City departments and staff. <br /> In her review of documents in preparation for tonight's meeting, Chair Gogins noted how fa- <br /> vorably impressed she was with the list of collaborative efforts to-date. Chair Gogins opined <br /> that this was a great encouragement to her of the collaborative efforts of the School and City <br /> Administration Departments; and expressed her interest in expanding other areas of partner- <br /> ship. Chair Gogins specifically noted the strong comparisons between the School Board's and <br /> City's strategic plans; and how they both advanced the Imagine Roseville 2025 community vi- <br /> sioning process. <br /> One repeated area of comment addressed by Dr. Thein was the public's concern in why the <br /> City didn't plow the various school facility parking lots. Dr. Thein noted that, while this had <br /> been considered in the past, with the other City snowplowing priorities for emergency and <br /> overall community access, it just wasn't feasible. However, Dr. Thein noted that the City and <br /> School District staff did share partnerships with other ground work (e.g. mowing); as well as <br /> partnering in youth activity programs (e.g. facilities, fields, and programming needs). Dr. The- <br /> in noted that the City provided great assistance and modeling through the City's Public Works <br /> Department with asphalt improvement projects, as well as in liaison programs with the City's <br /> Fire and Police Departments for support and security needs of the School District. <br />