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�� udo�anap�sn•uuz•ati►nasort�•mn�n� .;. SOOL-Z6L- � <br />�. � l SS �losauuiy� `al�tnaso� .;. anuQ .[a�ua� �[n[� pyyZ <br />;aaw�asdaQ;uawdo�anaQ ,��anwiuo� a���naso� 30 ,C>>� <br />�� <br />-r�"� <br />June 10, 2008 <br />Dear Kathleen and Michael, <br />.�auu�id ��i� a��t�ossd <br />P��t'I ��g <br />Your neighbors at 656 and 675 Pineview Court will receive a copy of the 1 tter be ow�n if�i�� <br />them of your plans for your porch and dining room addition, which will �i����r�o �� a.�a�ui <br />required side yard setback, and inviting them to participate in the public process of com entings <br />on your proposal. In the site plan I've prepared, I drew the proposed addition onto the existing <br />building footprint; this is probably closer to the property line than reality, but w��i ���i�� <br />we'� ��I�f�g���lb���fi��iYdnb�i�ib4Q��6�?�Pr����ti��n�e�P� <br />M�����?y�4i�?���I��i�i1g���1���14I�4��t@��,4r��rF; t��'e�[f3�H -�'�f?�a�3a��+��I�u� <br />period following the decision of the Community Development Director will be eliminated�f the <br />setback permit is approved, the building inspector may then issue the necessar building �er�t£ <br />as sa�r$���t`l�s�� �}�H:L�i�����c����s�$��r�gse�l��t�����;��e��i�����is�S9 <br />n������.�o sn•uuz•aijtnaso.z•i�'� oij•u� q�� auz Iieuza o� aa.z� iaa3 as�aid `uoi���ti ��iuuad <br />ui �sod .zd a uo �ua uio� o� s.�aunn � ado.zc� q.��a s o e ssa�o.�d �iuua x��. �aS�auZ <br />You are' i%vite� to a�end an�participate m�e�osevi�e Set�ac�c �ermit Review C�omm�ee s <br />(SPRC) Setback Permit I��������'T�i�r��a � �T�(�� � ������, � ����,,�}�o� <br />c����i�b���b���������������,������� ��s �d� <br />Kathleen�n�ers9an��ic�ael �1a�ines,���g�lnevie vi���f�t, Ssee�c�a�pr�val�opf a 6 Foo�s DEI�T��x <br />Y.vtn SF���f� i��£�'�°��&�3 . `� �n�'?��'�A�ha��t�ln�o����'Ii��i� <br />1 th �R <br />wo�[�^�'���� �f�i�t� SD�1��1��4�$���,I,y��&����a� ;iui.�ad �I��q�aS ��2IdS) <br />s�a�uz�u� nnatna��iuua�����a�a inaso�a�� uc a��di�i��d�u� pua��� o� �a�inut a.ze no� <br />The` e ac rmit pr ess a s e b�prope y wners to Com ent on e pr posal in <br />Permit ap�?l,i�c_ation, please feel free to emaiP�iL��i �s�l�c�����i�l����at�oil�����°a�ua <br />651-792-7��4��4t���I�i`,°�����i��i�es�I��r��pb��` ��I �S9�i�(}-�I�a�nssi <br />3:O�ii.���T -�o��adsut �utplmq at�� `pano.tdd� st ;tuuad x��q�as au� �t :pa��ucuztia aq Iitnn .�o��a.�iQ <br />�uauxdoianaQ �C;tunuzuzo� au��o uoist�ap au� �uinnojto� pouad ��add� �C�p-pi pa.�inba.� au� <br />�I�dTR� �b�ri;A��iflt�������Iy'����h@�i��ai��hlt�i�eE�R 1���3i�i�c��i��i� <br />approva?��� build�$�it�I��ak���i�3tl�t�����p�� ��I�4��iiu�iYl�s��idd���Ni�iinq <br />fi1����leA}uo uot�ipp� pasodo.�d au; mazp I`pa.�eda.�d an�i u�id a�is au� uI •I�so o.zd .�no� uo <br />�ut�uautuzo� �o ssa�o.zd �iiqnd au� ut a��di�t�.red o� uiau� �ut�inui pu� �x��q�as p.�e� apis pa.�mba.� <br />S' ce eI u� o�ui u��o.��ua Iiinn u�tunn `uot�ipp� uioo.� �utuip pu� u�.�od .�no�C .zo� su�Id .�no� 3o uzaq� <br />C��'�����au��o �ido� � anta�a.z iicnn �zno� nnatnautd SL9 Pu� 9S9 �� s.�oqu�tau zno� <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />Associate City Planner <br />`ia�q�iy�i pu� uaaiu��}I .z�aQ <br />�� <br />��� <br />City of Roseville Community Development Department <br />2660 Civic Center Drive •3 Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-7005 ❖ <br />800Z `OI aunr <br />