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� <br />�EVILIE SEEKING <br />tORV COMMISSION <br />�PPLICATIONS <br />�ille City Council is seeking <br />or vacancies on the Parks <br />3tion Commission and the <br />�ic Service Commission. <br />ns serve as voluntary <br />�ards to the Ciry Council <br />_ty of issues. Interviews <br />Aerc� B. Commissioners <br />>pointed lo a three-yeer <br />egins ADril 1, 2010 through-� <br />I, 2013. Log on to <br />�oseville com/commaoo or <br />i2-7001 for an application. <br />or applying is 4:30 D.m., <br />�ebruary 25, 2010. <br />ieview: Jan. 12. 19, 2010) <br />)F LITTLE CANADA <br />:E OF HEARING ON <br />MPROVEMENT <br />IONA LANE <br />VEMENT NO. 2010-04 <br />hereby given that ihe Ciry <br />_itlle Canada will meet at the <br />�tla qty Center et 515 Lltlle <br />ratl et 6:45 p.m. on MonAey, <br />t5, 2070 to consider the <br />m improvement of lona Lane <br />�conslruction, concrete curb <br />and drainage improvements <br />to Minnesota Statutes, <br />29.011 to 429.111. The area <br />to 6e assessed for such <br />nt is all properties abutling <br />�ements along lona Lane as <br />above. The estimatetl cost ot <br />vement is $350,000.00. A <br />- estimate of the impact of ihe <br />N will be available at the <br />uch pe�sons as desire to be <br />reterence to the pmposed <br />�nt will De heartl at this <br />Joel R. Hene4n <br />qty AAminlstreror <br />Raview: Jan. 12, 19. 2010) � <br />OF LmLE CANADA <br />CE OF HEARING ON <br />IMPROVEMENT <br />ffY DRIVE lNORTH OF <br />"V�::�j (651) ///-iftiUU • <br />Public �Notices <br />sudece and mncrete curb and gutter <br />repair and/or replacement pursuant to <br />Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.011 ro <br />429.111. The area pmposed to be <br />assessed lor such improvement is all <br />propenies abuning said improvemenis <br />along Schletly -0rive as describetl <br />above. 7he estimated cost o( the <br />improvement is $33,200.00. A <br />reasonable estimate of the impact ol ihe <br />assessment will be available at the <br />heanng. Such pereons as desire to be <br />heard with reference to ihe proposetl <br />improvement will be heard at this <br />mae�ing. <br />Joel R. Hanson <br />CNy Adminlstrator <br />(Roseville Review: Jan. 12, 19. 2010) <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA � <br />NOTICE OF HEARING ON <br />�IMPROVEMENT <br />ALLEN AVENUE(PAYNE <br />AVENUE TO GREENBRIER <br />STREET) AND VALENTO LANE <br />(NORTH OF ALLEN AVENUE.) <br />IMPROVEMENT NO. 2010-08 & 09 <br />Notice is hereby given ihat the Ciry <br />Cauncil ot Litlle Canada will meet at the <br />Lfttle Cenada Clry Center et 515 Little <br />Caneda Foed et 6:00 p.m. on <br />Wetlnesdey, Jenuary 27, 2010 to <br />consider ihe making of an improvement <br />of Allen Avenue (Payne Avenue to <br />Greenbrier StreeQ and Valento Lane <br />(north of Allen Avenue) by mili and <br />overly of bituminous suAace and <br />wncrete cwb and gutter re0air antl/or <br />�eDlacement pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes, SecliOns 429.011 to 429.117. <br />The area proDOSed to be assessed for <br />such improvement is all properties <br />abutting saitl improvements along Allen <br />Avenue and Valento Lane as tlescribed <br />above. The estimatetl cost ol the <br />improvement is $108,300.00. A <br />reesonable estimate of ihe impad of ihe <br />assessment will be available at ihe <br />hearing. Such persons as desire to be <br />heard wiM reference to the O�opos¢d <br />improvement will be heard at this <br />meeting. <br />Joel fi. Hanaon <br />' Ciry Adminisirator <br />(Roseville Review: Jan. 12, 19, 2010) <br />Cenetla Raed et 6:J0 p.m. on <br />Wedneadey, Jenuery 27, 2010 to <br />consider the making of an improvement <br />ot Sylvan Street (north ot Counry Roatl <br />C) by miil and overlay of bituminous <br />roatl sudace and concrete cuN and <br />gufler repair and/or replacement <br />pursuant to Minnesota StaWtes, <br />Sections 429.011 to 429.111. the area <br />pmposed to be assessed for such <br />impmvement is all propetlies abutting <br />saitl improvemenis along Sylvan Stfeet <br />as tlescribed above. The estimated cost <br />of the improvement is $100.000.00. A <br />reasona6le estimate oi the impact of the <br />assessment will be available at the <br />hearing. Such persons as desire to be <br />heartl with reference to the proposed <br />improvement will be heartl at� this <br />meeting. . . <br />Jcel H. Hanson <br />City Adminiatretor <br />(ROSevilie Review: Jan. 12, 79, 2010) <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />NOTICE OF HEARING ON <br />IMPROVEMENT <br />SUNRISE DRIVE (EDGERTON <br />STREET TO SECOND PHASE) <br />IMPROVEMENT NO. 2070-OS <br />Notice is hereby given that the Ciry <br />Council of Litlle Canada will meet at the <br />Little Caneda Ciry Center at 515 Little <br />Caneda Raad et 7:00 p.m. on <br />Wednesday, January 27, 2010 to <br />consider ihe making ot an improvemem <br />of Sunrise Drive (Edgerton Street to <br />Second Phase) by mill antl oveday oi <br />bituminous road antl concrete curb and <br />gutter repair and/or replacement <br />pursuant ro MinneSOta StaNtes, <br />Sections 429.011 to 429.11L The area <br />proposed to be assessetl br such <br />impmvement Is all properties abutting <br />said improvemenis along Sunrise Drive <br />as describetl above. The estimated cost <br />of ihe improvement is $62,670.00. A <br />reasonable estimete of the impact oi the <br />assessment will be available at the <br />hearing. Such persons as desire to be <br />hesrd wRh reference �o �he pmposed <br />impmvement will be heard at �his <br />meeting. <br />Jcel R. Henson <br />CNy Adminlatntor <br />(Roseville Review:Jan:12,19,2010) <br />Notica Is hereby given thal the City <br />Council of Litlle Canada will meet at ihe <br />Little Canada City Center at 515 Litlla <br />Canada Roetl et 6:00 p.m. on Monday, <br />January 25, 2010 to consider the <br />making of an improvement of Bryan <br />Avenue and Jackson Sireet (Litlle <br />Canada Aoatl to Maple Lane) by road <br />reconstmction, wncrete curb and gutler, <br />end tlrainage improvemenls pursuant to <br />Minnesota StaWtes, Sections 429.071 to <br />429.111. The area proposed to be <br />assessed for such improvement is all <br />properties abutling said improvements <br />along Bryan Avenue and Jackson Sireet <br />as tlescribetl abov8. The estimatetl cost <br />ol the improvemen� is $522,500.00. A <br />reasonable estimate ot the impact of the <br />assessment will be available at the <br />hearing. Such persons as desire to be <br />heartl with reference to ihe pmposed <br />improvement will be heard at this <br />meeting. ' <br />Jcel R. Hanson <br />� CNyAtlmin{strator <br />(ROSeville Review: Jan. 12, 19, 2010) <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />NOTICE OF COMMUNITY <br />OPEN HOUSE <br />Notice is hereby given that ihe Ciry ot <br />Roseville wili be holding a COMMUNRY <br />OPEN HOUSE regarding ihe required <br />update of ihe Roseville Zoning <br />Ordinance. In 2009 ihe Ciry Council <br />approved a new Comprehensive Plan <br />ihat set foM1h goals antl objectives that <br />neetl to be integrated inm�the zoning <br />ordinance. State Statutes require ihat <br />Ihe Comprehensive Plan and Zoning <br />Ortlinance are consistent with one <br />anmher. Due ro the new vision <br />ariiculaletl in the ComD�ehensive Plan. <br />it is anticipatetl the zoning tlesignations <br />and requlations affecting all of Roseville <br />'will change. Please join ihe Ciry and <br />consWtant statt as well as City <br />CouncilOrs antl Planning <br />Commiuioners lor an inirotluction to Ihe <br />process. Based upon ihe communtties <br />desires and the Ciry Council adoption ot <br />ihe 2030 Comprehensive Plan, mning <br />tlesignalions and regulations for all of <br />Roseville wiM change. Please join us tor <br />�an inirodudion inb this process. The <br />open house wilh be held on Thuraday <br />Februery 4, 2010, fmm 6:00 pm to <br />CERTIFICATE OF <br />ASSUMED NAME <br />STATE OF.MINNESOTA <br />Minneaote Statutes Chapter333: <br />1. State the exact assumed name <br />under which ihe business is or will be <br />conducted: Raven's Realm <br />2. State ihe adtlress ot the principal <br />place of business. A complete sireet <br />address or mral route and mrel route <br />boa number is requiretl; the address <br />cannot be a P.O. Boz.: 777 Paymontl <br />Ave, St Paul, MN 55114 <br />3. List the name and complete stree� <br />atltlress of all persons conducting <br />business untler ihe above Assumetl <br />Name' Raven Ashleigh, 1977 Robin Ln <br />S., Centerville, MN 55038 <br />4. I cert'rfy that I am authorized to sign <br />this certificate antl I tuMer certity that I <br />understand that Dy signing this <br />ceniticate, I am subject to ihe penatties <br />ot perjury as set forth in Minnewta <br />Statutes section 609.48 as it I hatl <br />signetl this cenificate under oath. <br />Date:12/21/09 ' <br />/d Reven Ashlelg� <br />Spirltuel Mealer <br />(Roseville Review: Jan. 79, 26, 2010) <br />ADVERTISEMENT FOH BIDS <br />Ciry ol Linle Canada <br />515 Linle Canatla Roatl East <br />Little Canada, MN 55117 <br />Separate sealetl BIDS tor ihe <br />construdion of the Lltlle Ceneda Road <br />Bddge Rall Replecement Pro�ect will <br />be received at ihe oflice of ihe Ciry W <br />LNtle Canade, 515 Little Canede <br />Roed, litlle Cenatla, MN 55717, until <br />11:00 am, locel time, on Wednesday, <br />February 10, 2010. and then. at said <br />oHice publicly openetl end read aloud. <br />The Work for the said impiovements, <br />as required by the Comrect Documenis, <br />is generally described as follows: <br />Removal oi existing relling end <br />installation ot an omamental railing on <br />ihe Litlle Canada Road Bridge (Britlge <br />No. 62896), with a length oi <br />appmximataly 253-teet.A special <br />surtace tinish will be wmpleted on the <br />parapets and barriers. <br />The. Bidding Documents including <br />proDOSaI fortns, speciticetions, plans, <br />etc., may be ezamined et Me following <br />bcations: '_ _'__' """' '"" <br />payment of 525.00 for each set (non- <br />retuntlable)., <br />Each bid must be accompanietl by a <br />bid bond payable to ihe City o1 Little <br />Canada for flve (5) percent oi the tetal <br />amount of the bid. � <br />Reatl care�ully ihe wage rates and <br />Division A of the Special Provisions as <br />ihey afleci this pwject. <br />Joe/Hani <br />Ciry Adminlatre.. <br />(Roseville Review: Jan. 19, 2010) <br />CITY OFAOSEVILLE <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br />Notice is given ihat ihe PLANNING <br />COMMISSION will hold a meeting at <br />Ciry Hall, 2660 Civic Cemer Dr., at 6:30 <br />p.m. on Feb. 3, 2010 to consider the <br />tollowing public hearings: <br />PLANNING FILE 10-001: Request 6y <br />SL Paul Regional Water Services br <br />approval of concrete recycling as an <br />W7ERIM USE ai Ihe Dale St. Reservoir, <br />1901 Alta Vista Dr.; legel tlescription of <br />�he pmpehy is on file in the Communiry <br />Development Dept. <br />PLANNING FILE 10-002: Request by <br />Riaz Hussain lor approval ot an <br />amenOment to en existing <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow <br />the parking areas adjacent to Autumn <br />St. ro remain at 1901 Lexington A� <br />legal description of thE properry is on <br />in the Community Development Dept. <br />(ROSeville Review: Jan. 19, 2010) <br />� CITY OF LAUDERDALE <br />NOTICE OF <br />ANNUALSCHEDULE <br />LAUDERDALE CITY COUNCIL <br />The Lauderdale Ciry Council will holtl <br />meetings on ihe tollowing days in 2010. <br />January 12 end 26 <br />February 9 and 23 <br />Mamh 9 and 23 <br />April 13 antl 27 <br />May 11 and 25 <br />June 8 and 22 <br />July 13 antl 27 <br />August 70 and 24 <br />September 14 and 28 <br />, Ocrober 12 and 26 <br />Novamber 9 antl 23 <br />December 14 <br />CiN Cnuncil mnetinns hanin at 7:30 <br />