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� <br />June 16, 2009 <br />Kathleen DeLeo <br />1246 Highway 36 <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />1�� <br />� <br />RE: Administrative Deviation approval <br />Dear Ms. DeLeo, <br />� <br />Your Administrative Deviation request to accommodate the proposed detached garage on your <br />property was reviewed on Thursday June 4�n <br />The review committee found that the proposal will not have any adverse impacts on the factors <br />identified for consideration in Section 1013.45 of the City Code, and consequently recommended <br />approval of the Administrative Deviation with the condition that rain gutters be installed on the <br />new garage such that storm water is directed toward the interior of your property and away from <br />the neighboring property to the west. <br />I concur with the committee's recommendation, so I have approved the requested Administrative <br />Deviation with the above condition. In addition, I would just remind you that driveways are <br />required to be set back at least 5 feet from side property lines and impervious surfaces (e.g., <br />driveways, patios, sidewalks, and building footprints) may not exceed 30% of your total lot area; <br />it seems possible to meet both of these requirements on your property, but you'll want to be <br />aware of them as you continue to develop your plans. You may contact Gerry Proulx, the <br />residential building inspector, at 651-792-7084 if you need additional information about what is <br />required for permit applications. <br />Unless your neighbors at 1239 Sherren Street, 1252 Highway 36, and 2254 and 2255 Memll <br />Street call or email us to indicate their support for your proposal, the mandatory 10-day appeal <br />period will remain open until noon on June 15, 2009, at which time your building permit may be <br />issued as soon as it has been approved by the Building Official. A permit for the demolition of <br />the existing garage may be issued prior to June 15`" if you're interested in beginning that process <br />sooner. <br />Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at 651-792-7071. <br />Sincerely, <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />� <br />Patrick Trudgeon <br />Community Development Director <br />copy: Gerry Proulx <br />City of Roseville Community Development Department <br />2660 Civic Center Drive •:• Roseville, Minnesota 551 13 <br />651-792-7005 s• TDD 651-792-7399 ❖ <br />