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<br />" <br /> <br />05/06/99 15:29 IS! :02/02 NO:590 <br /> <br />SAUCE F. VENTO <br />tTN DI.'l'hCT. .........".. <br /> <br />~n\laf ('(lMfIIIITTU eN <br />"nou"~;1I <br /> <br />DlsnlC:T Q~JIC", <br />'I' '-'81 K!LLOGG IOUU!vAIID <br />IUITt 2,. <br />.T, .."...~. ...'" U,., <br />188\1 2h,'5QJ <br /> <br />~ongtUJ of the tinittd Statu <br />tuUIC of RtptutntadDCJ <br />Dalhingtnn, 19~ l05n-2;Oi <br /> <br />ioiOUI! COMMITf1!! ON <br />tA/l/ICI"Ia AHC <br />~I~ANC:I.I, le""'ICCII <br /> <br />1.1 ~ M~auIlN ..oUIt: OJJIC" "UM)INCJ <br />1Al101llIlINCTO'', Dt: 3"" ~'\:I <br />1:lD.Z1 ~.-"]1 <br /> <br />May 3, 1999 <br /> <br />Ms. Linda J. Morgan, Clusil'lllliu <br />Surface Transportation Board <br />Room 8%0 <br />1925 K Street, NW <br />Wuhlnl!on, DC 20423.0001 <br /> <br />Dear M.. Marpn: <br /> <br />R.e-oentl)' 1 WAS ooDt"tcd by the NOI'UJ Mc:Lro I.35W Corridor Coalition and informed that the Burlington <br />Northom Santa. Fe Railway (BNSF) has petitioned to abandon 2.43 rniles of ran between fWnnepin and <br />Ramse)' ,"uumies (STB Doc:ket No. AB.fJ lSub-No. 381X]). The CoaJition i. exD'Omtly interested In <br />purchasing the abandoned property to use for de\'elopment of 111_ WII1sit. <br /> <br />I undmtand that tho Surfaco Transportation Board providcs puhlic inte~ with a 110 da)' period tD <br />oxamine the property and eJl(ploJ'e their int~re8t in the propert)'. After th; 180 day poriod has el1ded, or if <br />tho public intetests have eurciMd their right of fir5t ,.rusal, BNSF may approach privA&e il1t~Clns to <br />ne,otiate Ihe B.le of any abandoned land. <br /> <br />The North Metro I-35W Corridor Coalition seeks a 90 day e"tensi()n to the 180 day period. The)! uk for <br />ehia extension so ~hat they way have the opponunJry to perform aD appraisal ofthc property and an <br />environmental UHSsment. <br /> <br />As a member ofebe House of ReprcHotativC" Livable Communities Tukfnrc6. I'm a Itrong advOUClto to <br />proeerve and improve tbe quality ot our neighborhoods. Transportation bas . profound effect on the <br />livability of communities. Effcctive tranlPolUelnn lIy'teml win d.c:reue traffiC! oOnllOlltion and shonen <br />commute times. pIOtl)' improvina the quality of life in our ~mmun.ities. Minnllotana ue comrrajttcd to <br />imetrovlni our onviroJ1m~nt whl1tt invelUni in Ute f\atw'e of mWl:l ttan,it. <br /> <br />11t~1r that you provide the North Metro I-J5W Con&~ur CU&1ition with 1\111 and favorable consideration <br />while ",vlewins this request. If )'o~ have In)' questions or concema, please contact Debra of my district <br />office ~taff. Dobra may be ruched by phone at oS 1I,24-4503~ by fax. at 651/224-0S75; 0: by mail at III <br />Ealt Kellogg Boulevard. Suite 21Si St. Paul. Minnesota, 55101. <br /> <br />Slncenly, <br /> <br />Dru~ F. VClIlu <br />Member of Conwell <br /> <br />"'UNTlO 0'" "'C\'r:1 Fn "A,c. <br /> <br />&\.\>--.. <br />f;~' <br /> <br />~O.d ~10'oN lO:11 <br /> <br />66.01 fi-eW <br /> <br />17l 11 -17~17-Cr 9: T31 <br /> <br />9NISSO~) ~OO~8Nla3 <br />