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City of <br />`�� <br />�� <br />Minnesota, USA <br />City Council Meeting Minutes <br />City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Monday, February 27, 2017 <br />1. Roll Call <br />Mayor Roe called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Voting and Seating Order: McGehee; <br />Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; and Roe. <br />2. Pledge of Allegiance <br />3. Approve Agenda <br />Mayor Roe stated that without objection that the agenda for the evening is approved. <br />4. Public Comment <br />Mayor Roe called for public coinment by members of the audience on any non-agenda <br />items. No one appeared to speak. <br />5. Commission Interviews <br />The council interviewed candidates for the Finance Commission, Human Rights Com- <br />mission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Public Works, <br />Environment, and Transportation Cominission; from approximately 6:00 PM to 9:15 PM. <br />6. Approve Minutes-February 13 <br />Willmus moved, McGehee seconded, approval of the February 13, 2017 City Council <br />Meeting Minutes as amended. <br />7. Council & City Manager Communications, Reports, and Announcements <br />City Manager Trudgeon did not have any announcements. <br />Councilmember Laliberte indicated that she attended the recent Ramsey County League <br />of Local Governments (RCLLG) meeting where the group received updates of the legis- <br />lative session froin Ramsey County legislators. Councilmember Laliberte also distributed <br />the 2017 RCLLG Handbook and Directory. <br />8. Councilmember Initiated Future Agenda Items and Future Agenda Review <br />City Manager Trudgeon noted upcoming items for the March 13 meeting including con- <br />sideration of amendments to the lawful gambling ordinance, consideration of the pet store <br />ordinance, and appointment of commissioners to fill vacancies. For the March 20 work <br />