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<br />018 <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HOSEVILLE <br />Meeting,Tuesda:/,July 20th,19L~8 2 O'clock P.U. <br /> <br />-------------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />The Village Council :;¡et on the above date in adjourned regular sese:ion <br />..Üth the following :rrembers present::.íueller,Membrez,Pothen,Hammersten anè <br />Carlson (5) .Ira Karon, Village attorney Vias also present. Mueller presided. <br /> <br />"\ <br /> <br />The minutes of July 6 and Ô were read 3n(: .:lpproved wi th one cODrection on <br />the grading bid of ÌÆ.S.Mergens. <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded by pothen to accept the biès for grading Ryan Ave and <br />Shryer Ave of M.S.MerGens 'I'd. th an aèdi tional 2 ¢ per cub.yard for rolling <br />whic11 was optional on the originéÜ biès and that contracts be awarded on the <br />new basis.Roll Call:.l\yes-(5),Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The clerk read a ~etition of ~arrinan's property described as follows: <br /> <br />"Beginning at intersect::.on of West line of N.P. ReR. Right of Tray <br />"thence South on Sect.line 260.~O fect,thence SouthEasterly 721 <br />"feet to Snelling Curve, thence North aDd ìJcrthwesterl;y along Snelling <br />"Curve to N.P. R.R. r::'¿ht of way, thence West along R.R. Right of 'Yay <br />"to the point of beginnin.;,Lot 29,Elcck 23,Sect.10,T.29,R.23. <br /> <br />":'cr-: REZC¡;nIG from Farm DÜ;trict to Ir¡dustrial District. HaJn.mersten moved, <br />seconded b;y Hembrez to hold a public hearing on August 3rd, at 2 P. M.Roll <br />call: ,~,res-(5) ,Nays-( 0). <br /> <br />¡~rs Si¡;¡on,1359 Thomas reqc:ested the Villoge Cotmcil to grade a 30 ft road <br />c211ec Rose Place along the South side of t;-w ':r.'railer Cit~' CaInp,from <br />Lexington ave 1,'{est. No .:::ction was taken on this matter. <br /> <br />Steven Baer,Como Station,Rte #12 inquired about a short road called Transit <br />Ave.He requested the Council to maintain this road.It was suggested to <br />consult the County En5ineer's o~fice for advice. <br /> <br />Frank Weinholzer ~nsisted th.::;t something be done about the grading of~~ose <br />Place where it actuall;¡r shows on t11e plat. Mr.Karon,attorney iYlformed,tò <br />bet an agreGLlent from the proiberty owners living on Rose Place as it IS N~ <br />travelled,~ before any action can be taken on this matter. <br /> <br />On motion by Mueller,seconded by Pothen special permits were granted to <br />Lawrence Warren and Everett C.Mattson to reside in basements for 6 months. <br />Roll Call:AJres-(5),Nays-(~ <br /> <br />'.",' <br />:~ " . <br /> <br />~ueller moved,seconded by Hammersten to instruct the building inspector to <br />place a red tag on house of Arline Anderson,1949 Walnut st. as it does not <br />comply with the building code.Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O) <br /> <br />Tv1ueller noved,seconded bJr Hammersten to instruct the County Engineers to <br />r.1aintain the village roads for the ensuing year and also to make a surve;¡r <br />on the possibility of placing traffic signs on Hamline and County Road B. <br />~oll call :A:,/es-(5) ,Nays-( 0) <br /> <br />Mueller moved,seconded by Hammersten to accept the following plats as pre- <br />sented by the Plat COI!!.'nj¡s~ion: <br />Richards' Plat <br />Gottfried's Plat No.1. <br />Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-OO) <br />