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<br />VILLAG:2: CCUNCIL 0: R()~,EFILLE <br />r.íeeting, Tuesday ,Septerr.ber 7th,1911(; 2t 2 PI;' <br /> <br />24 <br /> <br />---------------_._----~-------------------------- <br /> <br />The '1ill2.;:;e Council ::jet en the above date in adjourned re¿u12r :::esdon <br />with the following ,T¡e¡Jlbers preE:ent :?[ueller, ì}enbrez, Fothen, H;¡¡¡¡;r.ors:en, Crtrlson. <br />Ira Karon,Village attorney was 81so present. President 1meller ~resided. <br /> <br />The clerk road the ~.1inutes of the previous meetings of August 17th 3£ 19th <br />and on motion :):' He.nrners ten, seconded by j,;ueller the:: were 2:-I:l'oved as read. <br />Roll call: Ayes-(5),Nays(O). <br /> <br />Mr Gottfried requested the Council to egain postpone the èecision on his <br />petition for rezoning a tract of lenc' at Ea!lJline aIle; L2rpenteur.He was infcrr:.s(; <br />to cancel his original petition 2nd submit 11 neVi one when he is ready to go <br />ahead with this rezoning. }¡'.l' Gottfr':'eè informed the Council that he will abide <br />by this recÜJlliüendation. <br /> <br />The petition by Hichael and A[;nes preinel' to ;.)é1ke an exception in the 8et <br />back of his home from 35 feet to 22 feet ~'r0n the Etreet right-of-way ''Ias r82/: <br />by the Clerk. ':'here being no one fTe:Õ'è:ct to oppose thÜ: exception and havÍ!lË, <br />mo~t of the propcrt:r OWTI'3:rfs ::-ignatures on th,:; petition inùicr-Eng théit tJ--ey <br />~o not object to this change,H~~~crsten moved, seconded by pothen to m~ke thi~ <br />exception.Roll c ,,11: A:les-()), Na:~s-( r;). <br /> <br />nr. ~,!akoì'iski and Mr. !Jichal::: rs siè.:ing cp'¡·oodbridge, south of 19oodl=""'1 reo:.:ested <br />the Council to conditior: Wooòbriò¿e AV3. '!'he clerk ¡¡as in~~ructed to cr:>nt2ci <br />~.he C(:lÁ:lt~:- Zr~bin8er' ~ ofÇ"::"ce pr16 :1:1""IC them check thif: rope. <br /> <br />~l2sidents i;J t!:e vicinity of st Stephen st.north o£' Co Rr1 7? appet/red be£'o1'e <br />the Council to register 8. compl.:>.int about the construction of a house being <br />buile' by Lawrence V:arren. The:' critisized the Council for the l.<>ck of inspection <br />on that hOl:;.se.After 2 10:11; diSCl'ssion on the matter, Mueller '.10V2<:!,s8('onded by <br />Hamrnersten to hire the f:ervices of a City Inspector and notify Mr Ylarren to <br />stop all construction until a.'1 inspection is mAde by this Ci t;y inspector.Roll <br />Call:.\yes-(5),Nays-(01 <br /> <br />On motion by Mueller,seconded by Carlson, the following applications for <br />qecial permits to reside in basements were ar-:¡;roved.Roll Call:Ayes-(50,Na:rs-(O): <br />Elmer Trana,lecated on lena Lane,near Dale St. <br />Pershing Neil (upon furnishing signatures of adjoining rropert~r owners) <br /> <br />Mueller moved,seconded by Pothen to request the C01~ty FJrrgineers to do <br />the following work: Roll call:Aj-es-(5),Hays-(0). <br />Install street signs,intersection of Ha~~ine and Wohrle Road. <br />" II" II of Rosela¡.\Tl Ave and take st. <br />Insvestigate water running across County Road B at intersection of <br />st Croix from the South to the Horth. <br /> <br />A let¡ter from Ed.Willmus was read by the Clerk requesting the Council <br />to take over for maintenance ShTJTer Ave fror:l Hamline to Pascal Ave.Ham!Iier8ten <br />moved, seconded by Pothen to accept this road.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />According to oròinanc9 to license theatees,the Minnesota Entertain~ent <br />Enterprises,lnc.through it's attorneJ-T Claude Allen applied for a license to <br />operate the ROSE DRIVE-In theater on Snelling and COlmty Road C.Wi th thisy <br />application a check of $125.00 was attached to cover the fee from Augustrto <br />December 31st,1948.Mueller moved, seconded by H~ersten to grant the applicant <br />this license.Roll call:.~es-(5),Nays-(O). <br />