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<br />VILLAGL COUì~C..cJ.., OF ROSEVILU; <br />Reg1.4lar meeting,TuesdRY Sept.21st,19LB at 2 'PM. <br /> <br />27 <br /> <br />-------------------------------------------------- <br /> <br />The Villag':3 Council .~et on the above dete in adjourned regular ~essi01 <br />wi tt the folloV'ï..i..nß uembers rresent: [;u,:Ùler ,MeIi1bre~,Fothen, EamrnerEten, Carleon. <br />Ira Karon, attorney ".'12.8 elso :prese:Jt. !¡íuc;ller presided. <br /> <br />The Clerk reael the rainutes of t;1e ;:revious :aeetings of Sept. 7tb, and loth <br />and on motion by f,Tueller, s3C'onc1ed by )!2i;l;j]ersten th(:!y Viere approved as read. <br />Roll c&11:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />N~uelli~r Doved, seconc~ed b;y Hé<:¡Jír¡ersten to èiSlliss the application of '!r. <br />Osca:' Gottfried for the rezoning of the ':ollcYlinó ¿escribed property: <br />tiThe Sovth Loa feet of the ""est h33 feet of the Southwest <br />,,~ of +I'e ~ou·the"c:;+ 1 C"ect lr' t¡1 29 'P "3' t II .,. , <br />4 ,-" U .JC~J 4'''; . .::>,_. ,H''- ,e_{cep a!.u..lne ÐnCl <br />"except that part ther'.-',"f alreadJ" in a business (~istrict. <br />Roll call:A,yes-(5),I-J2Y::;-(O). <br /> <br />Hp..;uaersten moved, Carlson seconcleè to ¡;rant. a speciRl permit to <br />in the t'élsement of ó :-lO;r:e MR.Arnold H.Paùlson [roposes to ol}ild on Ha'lÙine Ave <br />bet'ween Count:,; R02(1 :::. r'¡J1d Ei~;~-~vr2:r //36 fer ~l ..__cr iüè oi~ [; ..710l!t>E~ .::0~:' cEllI: <br />A;;es-( 5) ,N3:'S-( 0). <br /> <br />t.;r. E.A. Collin:;::, ;~,L6 "S. :?elvi·::ere 2p;eal'wi '-:'"f:)::-'~ t1)t. -:':ol:J1cil in reg.srds <br />to 2. ~ome tbe;y prop08e +,0 :no":e .from 3.:Üvir:1ere st to Tr<:.nsi t Ave in Ro<::,oville. <br />¡:r.I8Í:1en, bpilcìing iwopecto::' reporter' to the Council thet he ins;,octec1 +,he <br />home in m~estion anè that it is not builrl Rc('orc;int:; to tha bÜlding code of tt.'; <br />Village of Roseville,tþe first floor ceiling being less that 8 feet in hei~ht. <br />ThE~Y inc:'Üreò. 2tol)t the pos2ibiL"cty of Grading Transit Ave. They were infor:w.-'cl <br />that thE: Village cO'J.lè not brade this street at the tax .Ç.2:/ers expenses anè <br />that iî the street h2è to be Graded it would have to be èone by the property <br />o~nerE benefited. <br /> <br />tIr .Luhrson reslcang .:t l';coc'lyn and Yioodbr::'dgc wanted the Rpnroval of <br />the Council to post speed sibns not exceeeJing 15 miles per, hour' :tD'th2.t area. <br />iv:ueller ':loved, seconc;ed by E2"11r:ler:ten to request the state Dept. to <br />make a f'tudy- of tröffic thcn~ and meke rer:ommenÖations,Roll call:A..,vcs-(5), <br />Nay s-( 0). <br />The Clerk read two letters from the Coun t;;r Engi.neer' s office regarding <br />drainage effecting the Village and the County.MeIIlbrez :noved,seconded by Mueller <br />that a meeting be held jointly with Jlr Carley to discuss drainage problems <br />as pointed out by the Co.Engineers and that this meeting be held in the near <br />future .Roll call :Ayes-( S ) ,n ays-( 0). <br /> <br />,"'. <br />\". <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded b;y Mernbrez to issue a tavern license to 11rs. <br />Stella Graf ,1961 Rice St.Roll Call:Ayes-(5) ,Neys-( 0). <br /> <br />A report from a City inpector on the construction of Ifx.Warren he <br />build on st.Stephan st wps anal~zed.Some chælges illld corrections were recom- <br />mended by the inspector. ìÆembrez moved,secondeò by Hen~aersten to give Mr. <br />Warren 8. copy of this report and that he be instructed to make the changes <br />and corrections as outlined in the report and to meet with the final inspection <br />of our building inspector. Roll cdl:Ayes-(5) .Nays-CO). <br /> <br />Mr~~z~ìimuxzr~ÐrtEdxø~zìe±tRrxtkz±zkex~ØxeE~letEØxtkexg~amtmgx <br />ø£:<S»:zJCID: ZX"'lE! ZÌJe±nem:3Haml:iIDf 7,JIœ.atzRase:x1xmd.-xß.e zxø~3.f;eN z:tillltxthe.xttliagex <br />takextkexE~aMZW7KExfmExf»tREKzma±ntØKaK~K. <br />