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<br />37 <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Special meeting,Mond~,Dec.6th,at 8 P.M. <br /> <br />------------------------------------------ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Upon written request by two council members, this special meeting was <br />called to approve the clerk's financial statement and to transact any <br />other business whid1may come up in the interest of the Village. This <br />action was forced in view ot the Village of Roseville Annual election <br />on Tuesday-,December 7th which is the regular meeting date of the Council. <br /> <br />The following members were present:Mueller,Vembrez,Hammersten,Carlson and <br />pothen.Ira Karon,attorney and Frank Leinen were also present. President Mueller <br />presided. <br /> <br />Hammersten lIoved,seconded by pothen to postpone the reading of the minutes of <br />the previous meeting.Roll callrAYes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Mr.& Mrs Carpentier,2327 West Roselawn Ave appeared before the Council to <br />obtain a special permit for their daughter to live in a small house located <br />back ot their house on the same lot. Mueller moved, seconded by Carlson to <br />issue a special permit for 6 months.Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Membrez,clerk submitted his financial report showing all money received and <br />paid out from June lst,1948 to November 30th,1948: <br /> <br />Fund Clerk's Receipts Disbursements, Clerk's Treasurer'f <br />Balance 6/1/48 Bal. ,11/30/48 Balance <br />General -0- 3775.42 4046.57 271.15 271.15 <br />Road & Bridge -0- 8774.62 8721.64 52.98 52.98 <br />and Drag <br />Fire Maintenance -0- 5375.57 4196.71 1178.86 1178.86 <br />Fire Equipment -0- 2305.50 2305.50 2305.50 <br />TOTAL -0- 20231.11 l6964.9~ 3266,19 3266.19 <br /> <br />------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded by Hammersten to approve and accept the clerk's finSEial <br />report.Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-{0). <br /> <br />The written report ot the Public Examiner on the Division and settlement ot <br />funds between the Town of Rose and the Village ot Roseville in accordance with <br />the verbal report of the clerk on November 29th,1948 wu submitted and on IIOtion <br />by Hammersten,seconded by Pothen,it was accepted.Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O) <br /> <br />'a <br /> <br />Vilner Carley,repreBenting Stephen J.Krannak subm.t.ted a petition for the <br />rezoning of the following described propert,y from Far.u-Residence District to <br />Business District: <br />" The North 211.5 feet ot the South 261 teet ot the West 472 teet <br />" ot the SEt ot the SRl of Section l5,Town 29N,Range 23W,except the <br />n West 33 teet thereof. <br />Carlson moved~.8econded by Po then to accept petition and that Public Hearing <br />be had on Tueè~,Dece.ber 2lst,1948 at 2 o'clock P.K.Roll callr!yes-(5),N.,s{0). <br /> <br />Mr.Carley also showed some preliminary plans he was working on for the rezoning <br />of 20acres on the N.E.comer of Snelling and County Road B.He said he will <br />submi t the petition at the next meeting. <br /> <br />____.u...___..·.._._ <br />