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<br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROS1'VIlLE <br />Regular meetinß,Tuesday,June 7th,1949 <br /> <br />67 <br /> <br />--------------------------------------------. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date at 2 o'clock P.M. in <br />regular seesion with the following members present:}Aueller,Hammersten,Pothen <br />end Membrez (4)Carlson was absent. Ire Karon,village attorney was also present. <br /> <br />The clerk read the minutes of May 17th and on motion by Haœnersten,seconded <br />by Mueller,the~r were approved es read.Roll Call:Ayes-(4),Nays-(O) <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />Mr Luhrson requested the Council to authorize him to putup a barricade <br />at the end of Woodlyn Ave on the street right-of-w~ about J feet.Mueller ~oved <br />seconded by Hammersten to authorize the erection of this barricade at his own <br />expenses.Roll Call:Ayes-(4),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />The hearing o~ the matter of vacating Aldine Place was continued .Itwas <br />agreed b~r the petitioner8 to continue this hearing at the next regular meeting <br />to alœow time for the engineer to u:ake a surve;y on the possibility of widening ~q'(I}:¡': <br />Aldine St.rur.ning North and South between Roselarm and Ryan Ave.Ha'l'.merden moved, <br />seconded by Pothen to hire the servic38 of Milner Carley, engineer to make this <br />investigation .?nò. to continue this hearing to June 21st.Roll C'all:Ayes-(4)Nays-(O). <br /> <br />~ld Chandl~r appeared and asked the Council to contact the County in <br />regard to a STOP sign on Ha~ine Ave and Co.Rd B. He was of the opinion that the <br />sign on Hamline cO"J.ld be eUminateñ since a !'!top and Go sign'4,s installeò by tr,e <br />State on Highw~ #36. <br /> <br />Mr Zweig,2204 No.oxf0~d St. requested thet something be done with black top <br />on the street to his drive-way. He was informed that th~ Datter will be referred to <br />the VillaGe Road-Overseer. <br /> <br />Mueller moved,seconded by Pothen that black top be used at the intersections <br />of Eldridge & Lindy and Lindy & Karyl to ease òrainage in the Keller Mayflower <br />Addition.Roll Call;Ayes-(4),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded by ~othen to issue a special permit for 6 months <br />to Sidney A.Perkins Jr. to live in a basement on the North! of Lot 12,Arthur E. <br />Thom Plat.Roll Cal1:Ayes-(4),Uays-(0). <br /> <br />Hammersten moved,seconded by 1fueller to accept "OAK POINT"plat and also <br />street grades as presented by Milner Carle:r.Roll Cell:Ayes-(4) ,N~s-(O). <br /> <br />,...... <br />'~ <br /> <br />Melvin Roth presented a petition for the rezoning of the following <br />described property from Farm District to Business District: <br /># The Southwest ~of the Northwest i of the Southeast ~ of Sect.lO, <br />" Town 29,Range ~3,except Highway J6;the West ~ of the Northwest ì <br />" of the Northwest t of the Southeast ~ of Sect.lO,RD Town 29,Range 23 <br />If except the North 430 feet thereof; and the South 104.5 feet of the <br />" East t of the Northwest t of the Northwest i of the Southeast 't of <br />" Sect.lO,Town 29,Range 23. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Mueller to accept petition and that Public <br />Hearing be had on June 2lst,1949 at 2 P.M. in the Village Hall,Hamline & Co Rd B. <br />Roll Call:Ayes-(h),Nays-(O). <br /> <br />Mueller moved, seconded by Pothen to approve the expenditures of $5.00 <br />which is the share of the Village for weed notices to be published.Roll Call: <br />.~res-( 4) ,Nays-(O). <br />