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<br />9~ <br /> <br />VILLAGE COm¡CIL OF ROS~~ILLE <br />MEETING,FRIDAy,13th,1950 at ß O'clock PM <br />J NI:--- <br />The Village Council met on the above date asa continuation of the regul8r <br />meeting of Janua~j 3rd,1950 with the following members present:Muell~r,Willmus, <br />Hammersten,Carlson and Membrez.Frank Leinen,Treasurer was also present. ]Jayor <br />Mueller called the meetin¡5 to order butowing to the fact t[,at the Village Hall <br />was not heated and extremely cold,it was suggested that meeting be helè at the <br />Brimhall District school. <br />Mr.Robert Ashbach and his attorney Mr.Costello inquired again about the Gunnison <br />prefabricated home which they propose to build in the Village of Roseville.It was <br />pointed out that in order to allow the construction of these homes, the building <br />code will have to be revised which may create a great problem in the Village. The <br />Mayor said that some more study will have to be ~iven to this matter and that decisior. <br />may be made at the next regular meeting. <br />Mr Nelson,Constable suggested that some tags be printed for traffic viclations <br />in t.he Village and he submitted a sænple which he felt was adapte bIe. jluell er moved, <br />secnded by Viillmus to order 1000 tags as submit ted.Roll Call: AY~S-( 5) ,Nays-( 0). <br />The Clerk submitted hi¡:;: financial report for the year ended T'ecember 31st,19h9 <br />showing the receipts, disbursements and balances as follows: <br />Clerk's Clerk's <br />SeKsxaixExwi: balance Receipts nisburserùents balance <br />l-1-Ü9 12-31-49 <br /> <br />GenerRl Fund <br /> <br />1,129.26 19,484.87 10,365.31 <br />Tfr.2,OOO.OO <br /> <br />street Maint. 722.23 20,382.50 20,369.96 <br />Fire Maint. 1,903.67 10,092.98 7,203.18 <br />Fire Equip. 2,058.73 22,206.95 12,851.10 <br />Firemen Relief -0- 713.98 713.98 <br />Liquor Fund -0- 53,816.51 5h,126.28 <br /> Tfr. 29000.00 <br /> TOTAL 5,~lJ.~9 12~,697.77 107,629.dl <br /> <br />------- <br /> <br />Treasurer'? <br />balance <br />12-31-h9 <br /> <br />----~-----_._-_._,-_._--- <br /> <br />8,248.[32 <br /> <br />8,248.02 <br /> <br />734. 7ï <br />4, 793.~7 <br />11,414.58 <br /> <br />7311. 77 <br /> <br />4,793.47 <br /> <br />11 , l.tl4 . 5' [3 <br /> <br />-0- <br /> <br />-0- <br /> <br />1,690.23 1,632.15 <br />bad ck. 5B.08 <br />26,~~1.~7 26,e2J.79- <br />bad check 58.08 <br /> <br />The report was accepted as reported and properly approved 2n0 signed by <br />the Council members. <br /> <br />There being no ;fûZ'tmÅ“ further businessiJlleI!lbrez moved seconded by <br />Hammersten to adjourl'the meeting.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br /> <br />,.'If!I <br /> <br />r", <br /> <br />\ ' / ' " <br />-j' J'>.' ,: . . ' . 'y'(;},.. ~/1 <br />A/f, /'t.l..(.f/'-Á,.. t. ,. /:X,'I: ~ ~ayor <br /> <br />Clerk. <br />