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<br />1.1.3 <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />Meeting,~JUesday,May 1~th,19S0 at 2 PM <br /> <br />~' <br />~ " <br />". <br /> <br />The Village Council met on th8 above date with the follo~ving meDbers present: <br />Mueller,H~ßmersten,Willmu8,Ca~lson and Membrez.Frank Leinen,teasurer was also present. <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting and on motion by Hæmnersten,sec. <br />by Carlson, they were approved as read.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />The Public Hearing on the matter of rezoning the i'allowing real estate was <br />declared open by the M~r: <br />Lots 24 and 25,Block 2,Frankson's Garden Plateau,Roseville Village <br />from Class "A" Residence to Farm-Residence District. <br />Lawrence Nelson,Attorney and Howard P.Reiland were present. They stated that this <br />:>:'azoning was requested for the purpose of raising some chickens as a hobby and not as <br />a business proposition.T:-.ere being no one at the hearing to oppose this rezoning, <br />Hammersten moved, seconded by Carlson that above property be zoned to Farm-Residence <br />District.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />E.B.Slama appeared to request a tpecial p~rmit to reside a a garage ~t 1705 No. <br />Marion St.Hammersten moved,secpnded by Carlson that a permit be issued for a period <br />of 6 months fro~ this date.Roll C~]1:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />Laurence Baker 2653 No.Fairview also appeared for a special permit to reside <br />in a oó.sement .Mueller moved,seconded by Carlson to isuue a permit for 6 months from <br />thif date.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />Mike Schwartz on County Road B. East of Dale st. was granted a speciel perMit <br />for 10 :years to operate' a green house on the condition that Hr.Schwartz delivers the <br />legal description to the clerk on motion by Mueller, seconded by Carlson.Roll Call: <br />Ayes-(S),Nays-(O). <br />1¡ueller moveà, feconded by Carlson to order street signs installed on <br />~3J~cnd Ave and Co.~d,C2 and Hamline and Shryer Ave.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br />Mr.Glombitz appeared in regards to MeCarrons street.He complained that the <br />people park on that short street and create a nuisance. Mueller moved, seconded by <br />Carlson that parking be prohibited on Me Carrons Street from Shady Lane going 1,'!est <br />to the lake.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). Joe Koalska was requested to check the <br />condition of the ditch on the North side of Me Carrons st. and report to the Council. <br />Ordinance No.126 al'l1emding Ordinance No.IOO was submitted.Hanunersten moved, <br />s'~conded by Willmus thp..t amendment be adopted.Ron Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0). <br />Y!illmus moved, seconded by Carlson to continue this meeting on May 23rd at <br />7:;1iJ P.M. Roll CallIAyes-(5), !'¡ays-( 0). <br /> <br />.~ '- ...... -....'''' f ',~...... '_ <br /> <br />. I <br />"',~,. .... <br /> <br />··¡>';";,~t.()...l!.ayor ;.{to-~~.!-.c,,"=", -Ä-_Clerk. <br /> <br />~. · --, <br /> <br />Village Council of Rosevi~e <br />Meeting,Tuesday May 23rd åt- (:30 PM <br /> <br />r>'-' <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present: <br />Mueller,Ha.mmersten,Willmus,Carlson and Membrez.~his is a continuation of regular <br />meeting of May l6th,1950. Fr~k Leinen was also present. <br />Mr.Sheehan of the Sauers Constructicnrequested a permit to move Radman Building <br />anè the garage occupied by Ryan Landscaping on the North end of the property. Willmus <br />~oved,seconded by Hammersten to authorize the building inspector to issue such a <br />permit.~oll Ca11:Ayes-(~),Nays-(O). <br />Ha.rnr:lersten moved, seconde¿ by Carlson to hire Milner Carley as Engineer for the <br />Village of Roseville on the basis of $50.00 per month commencing June lst,1950. <br />!1011 Call: A~Tes-( 5) , tJays-( 0). <br />!·Jueller moved, seconded by Willmus to order Hilner Carley to establish grade <br />on Sanhurst :Jrive and C1!'atto St.Roll Call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(0) <br />It was sugges te d that ditch 2~ong Hill top Ave shoul ri be treadeò with black top. <br />~oad Overseer Joe Koalska is to be contacted aJ1.d request him to get an estimate. <br />