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<br />1a.4 <br /> <br />VI1LAG~ COUIJCIL OF ROSEVILLE <br />5Meeting, Tuesday ,August 15th,1950- 2 P1.1. <br /> <br />~, <br /> <br />The Villagf' Council met on the above date with the following members present: <br />;i:uellcr , Hammerst-en, Carlson, Willmus ,Membrez. Ira Karon,At torney ,Frank Le:Lnen, Treasurer <br />were also present. The Clerk read the min'. tes of August 1st and 8th meetings and on <br />motion by Mueller,seconded by Willmus,they were approved as read.Roll call:Ayes-(5) <br />Nays-(O). <br />Llr. Wilson residing on County Road C2, just West of Fairview appeared before the <br />COüncil in connection with the violation of the building code in building his house. <br />He promised to submit planà to the building inspector for the house he proposes to <br />build for approval. <br />The Public Hearing was declared open on the petition to zone from Class "A" <br />Residential District to Class "c" the following described real estate: <br />That part of the Northerly 30 feet of the Southerly 291 feet of the swi of <br />the SE~ of sect.15,1Þwn 29,Range 23,lying East of the land ~ conveyed to <br />Ramsey County by deed, recorded in Page 453,Book 1279 of Deeds,which deed is <br />on file anG on record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey <br />~ounty ,IÜnnesota. <br />~h~re being no one present to object to this rezoning,Ha~ersten moved, seconded by <br />Carlson to :tone the above property Class "c" Residential District.Roll Call:Ayes-(5) <br />Nays-( 0). <br />A large group of property owners residing on Cope st. and Lovell st. demanded that <br />some action be taken to improve these two streets.They stated it was so bad that they <br />could not travel on them during bad weather. They were informed that these 2 streets <br />were not taken over by the Village for maintenance.It appeaned that Chris Tschida never <br />graded these streets properly eventho he was instructed to do so approx.2 years ago. <br />It Wa~ suggested that if the property owners effected are willing to pay $250.00 <br />cW2ring part of the cost to grade these streets properly that the Village will grade <br />them and pay the differnce. The property owners promised to raise this money. <br />George Connors requested that Connors Place be oiled. Carlson moved, seconded by <br />Willmus to order tile Road Overseer to oil it.Holl Call:A,.ves-(5),lJays-(O). <br />There being a conflict in the name of Hose Place and Connors Place in Al.Richter and <br />GeOr¡;8 CO:lnor I S Add-~ tion.IAe Mueller appointed Carlson and Willrnus to make an investi- <br />gation and report at the nex meeting. <br />Willard Arndt requested a special permi to reside in a basement located at 3030 <br />Vwodbridge Ave.Ha,iluersten rnoved,seconded by Carlson to issue a special permit for 6 <br />months.R.ol::' Call :Ayes-(5) ,Nays-( 0). <br />E/1i.Toenges also requested a special permit to reside in a basement on Lot 3,Iona Lane <br />in north Dale Park Addi tion.Harllmersten moved,secomted by Carlson to issue a special <br />:;)ermit for 6 months.Roll Call:Ayes-(S),Nays-(O). <br />¡,:ueller moved, seconded by Hammersten to order signs "W~SEVILLE" to be installed as <br />you enter the village.Roll Call:A,.ves-(5),Nays-(0). <br />~tiJ.eller moved, seconded by Hanrnersten to approve application from E.J.ì'iennberg at <br />2057 No.Snelling Ave to sell off sale beer, cigarettes and food. Roll Call:Ayes-(5), <br />Nays-( 0). <br />Carlson moved, seconèed by Hararnersten to authorize the building inspector to issue <br />building permit to the Sauers Construction as per plans submitted for the apt. buildings <br />called ROSÐJISTA. Roll call:Ayes-(5),Nays-(O). <br />lialIlmersten moved, seconded by Carlson that ordinance No.130 prohibiting Lewd and <br />Indecent Exposure be adopted. Roll Call:Ayes-(5QNays-(0). <br />liWIIDersten moved,secúnded by Mueller that ordinance No.131 providing for the licensing <br />and regulation of junk dealers and Junk gatherers be adopted.Roll Call:Ayes(5)Nays-(O). <br />Mueller moved, seconded by by Carlson that the liquor stores employees having been <br />employed one year or over be given a week's vacation with pay,and that Frank Weinholzer <br />þe ¡:::aid $ )2tJS.OO monthly with basic 43 hrs per week.Roll Call:AyesQ(5),Hays-(0). <br />