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<br />VILLA~;~: COm¡C2:L or EOSEuILLE <br />:'¡eet~lg, ~1..:eàct2.y,Feb. 27~!~1 q~~l a~} PE <br /> <br />14t~ <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />'fhe Village Council met on thE: e.oove de.te as e continuation of the Feb.20th ~ceting <br />....:it\-l the following members present: ~,K.lleller , Eænns-?:'f"ten, Willmus ,Carlson, Eenbrez. <br />1\1:0 present w<:;rE mer:lbcrs of the Health Boar¡),néU7"lely:J}r.Sekhon,E.,f.Aa£;e,GeoY'Le Cook <br />and John T.Smiley,M.D. frem the ¡Ünnesota Dept.of HeUth,District No.6. <br />[Jr.P)illiley outlined the functions of f He=Üth Board in cœnmillities as ourB.He <br />stre.3seè the importance of having a good ordin~.nce so that proper control and infor- <br />cement can be maintained.He left a booklet on sugb8stions of local ord:irences which <br />mightb£ncnrrorated in our ordinance. <br />Mueller moved, seconded by Har:unersten to awarà Csca:':' Gottfried the order of 10,000 <br />;yds.of gravel at J, ¢ per yd. Roll Gall:Ayes-J:ueller,H~nr1€rsten,ì'íillmus,HeLll')rez (4) <br />Carlson did not vote on the matter (1) <br />Due the fact that a drainag9 problem in the Village was to be discussed,mnny citizen~ <br />of the Village were present. Mr. Chard from the State Highway Dept., Tony SchrTlidt, Co. <br />Cœnmissioner,Mr.Crampton and his assÜ:tant from the Co.Engineers were invited to corce <br />to thif" meeting and all were pres:mt. <br />il:r. Chard stated that the IIigh1'laY !:ept. is willing to let the Village tap into the <br />stDìt1m sewer running North on Snelling Ave to their reservoir North of Highwa;y 36 between <br />Snelling and HariLine Aves provided, however ,the ViJJ.G-g;e will install a ;Jipe line from <br />the reservoir ~!orth to Robinson L¡:¡ke to télke out x surplus water which 1D.&y accumulat.e <br />in the reservoir. <br />11. lon.g discussion took place as to t!w merit of workinß out e definite plan to solve <br />the Village dr:Ünage which is gbtting more acute as time gCJes on.It was the concensus <br />of opinion iJf the members of the Council and all the people present that it rdght2~ery <br />wise to search for teCÌmical know-how as soon 88 pos8ilÙe. <br />Carlson lToved,seconded èy Fembrez to D.~journ meeting.r..cll Call:A:les-(5),lTa~,E'-(O) <br /> <br />t <br />\. <br />'\ <br />;pJJ~:r <br /> <br />~..., . <br />",./' <br />~ I'lB-t <br /> <br />-.. ?~2:l0r <br /> <br />0:r--CV~~u_ <br /> <br />Clerk <br /> <br />f',' <br />