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<br />\/i:' ab(~ Cf)"'J. of ROf.:~;y~J.j.~ <br />Liectint;, r':\lC 3¿a~r, J~T}~ 1) 195:1 at 2. ,~C <br /> <br />. ~. ~ r <br />l~ . l',¡~. <br /> <br />155 <br /> <br />'I'r.(;'.C illage CüU'1cil met OIl thE:. &b::>ve dat.e with tile follo'frim£; m(>mber~; rr~sent <br />Carlson,W~llrr..uE'. If.crrjbrez.¡',:'i~ll~r,[1n::: H3Jll:f!el'ë>ten. Ire ¡;arO!1 ìTil12gp Attorne;¡ <br />~a: aLSO ~resc~t. <br /> <br />'lhe Clerl~ r~,.d th~ minutes of the previ')Us meptillg of ,Tum> Sth.:''1d 'on r.1C>tion <br />by H'lcller, seconè.ed "0:' ',Üllr:r.¡s they were aE;~'oveò 3.S reBc'. Holl C,::ùl A~':~'-( S Î- <br />i~ayes-(O). <br /> <br />':'11';; public :w21'inb on th~ re-zoniLb c): Flc~rè Olsen' ~ },r()r·~rt~ of <1 striiJ on <br />LYlii3 f:-oIJ Fan1 Distr::'ct tr Re8i(~ent C13[;:::' "13" wa:- declJr~ê ci:.Jen. <br />;,f¡r. Floyà OlsCJr1 pre::ented a sket(:t¡ a,n'': ..Ü;,c:;.itectf? of the propcserl <br />1nilc'ing to be erectccl on the prnpert~. <br />:.;!". ::ál.lerS of Some:-s '.>.::1st. Co. ~aid he wo';;.ln like to se,; one block re-zoned, <br />then on re-ZOH~ the remeinin5 l.Jlcc1k..j:r.~)lson said he woulè restrict ele <br />"",'ne"'+-, ~".. r" ""'1" :"¡ ÌI.K~" Ie'" ",''''',1,; ""',"""""8": ;'v "r,u·:e"'-,·r"·;b.L~t> 'h"..L~~"'~ng'''' ",;"'''7J.·n·r <br />J... L-V ,).... ._.. .L ~ ~ .-,·1...... '..... L....... ......'-~ L~ U Uu ........ 4..)-..... ""'....... ~ ...;...... _........~~.I. .~, "~'. /' ~b <br /> <br />he st~ll :12G eiGhty dC . t 'Y'2~ aË int(>re~+,er1 2~ tr:¡; DQ::t pe:-'::'Jr. e.s to wh9.t <br />W2':. ;oing t;) be t'J.iH in ury~ area. There h'~int; no fu,:-'t:-.e:- ;::':.ìj ec:'i011sitfillr:>üs <br />:l1c\'e,":. seco;',ded b:" CarJ con that. the p'{~T'er";~' be re-3(w.ed. 2011 Ca:!l Ayes-( 5) <br />I~ (';.=.-~ f-( 0). <br /> <br />!'fr. Go:,. Jea.rc:~le:y of 4Sì2 Vio\~~j':'a~'11 A\re.~)-~.r:2U~ r::r:)pc¿:re¿ "G0 ¡:zrl¡i::"!-"5sion <br />i:c 1 ive in r.. baser:iGLt 2'-: 126S' ::];r:re; '.¡;Üle: he ccntim; 22 tc builc: ~,o the <br />::;'~'2['t.~è cC'1s+:'''C.:::ti0~ û':' trw 'c:.prer' r3.Y~ of the hous~. Uembrez moveè,seconded b;y <br />c.a':.:~: ~~CL tr..~t :;.. ?~.rI1lÌ';~ be 61'¿U1t.ðè. sut~ ~c ~ tc ìj~~. 3eard~le~' the 5:_bnat¡;~e <br />C"' ~,', Co r "',r\' P "(><"~ rl~ "j' c¡' ,i'e e2"'t ,...·:-'e ,~.J' ".>.. c,,1 C~11('t"l"e p"l "1 :',p11' rv'-'c::._( C;) <br />......_ ;,.,¡..LI..,.; ,"".J.........~-' ... .,', ____.. b .l .... ~i:) -.-_...... .......... ........1... ~_ -.I. .... U . -'~,-""'., ...... '," .1-...<. ....."--.. ... <br /> <br />N£yc ::-( C'). <br /> <br />~Iro Sti)é ,:;-:-' tilt:: ~~t:"pE ~;>')v_..¿: 1/1i?8 p~ese::t :C' 2~k perr:.i s~:"cn tc hoJ,~ ;1 :oLr ca-yT <br />~~"'..c,"Vr 7;~-t~.~ tic j..r·:LÁGe~:(;r t: ('n r.=-:1'C.r.Rri:1a~" Sat.:':: 3"......'"." _Tur¡..;.. 21 tQ 2ll C~l t:1C So. <br />~2.~' r carrler ~)f tJncllir1t':: f~rh.: Co. J')a~ ~=. :::~ =~=l~_:li; tÌ.i.;~ ITortn En(i Spar·!' ~:ïlar:,s CIüt: <br />\"Jc:...~.-j ;,>: ~he ~..ponf:"~"\.cs. }:éL111i10rstc' rr.üvc~_~,3E:COnc~8¡3 8:" 1~"-i}lr _....-- i..~\·~·t. rf,~~t:nr~ <br />'b~ 2.:Llcweò to 0rerate 0;: :¡.~~ ¿~:~),'\~.ëC ;1e.::t.icnc(~ Gé-~.tes.:{c:.l Gal:. J<ye~(:~) r~':"'u;es('.:). <br /> <br />~...";'..,~I:^ez r:..)ve--::,eecon(~e'~ -o:.~ He..:¡~}nSr~·~t2L tr'l:"'~ '1 food licerlse be ~f:::;]~d for the <br />::·J.r.~ ;Jf ~':.2'~;~.:JC', tr ~.:rÞ E)ti~'~n :t~ -..J~'~-'Jl:~~lC"!ior. r;:::'t~'. :-..n 0l:(;'rö.t~ü:.. :î t~·.e <br /> <br />j...~al.-:E~e!":'¡·":t 1:.ü11 <br /> <br />(~ ~"'1 ., <br />l..c.::~ <br /> <br />A:re s- ;~ ~..¡ ,ì <br /> <br />r ~ a~f;-e ~: 0 0 ) . <br /> <br />~.~r. ::t~GG n,2.d.T:'"la~; ¿Jrr~~lred E; he. .liB c: :"e2F'r.~d the c.J2.'ne:" c~f :~.;\.~ Artd .2 <br />~'i::,1 S?..ue:~.-':·: ,'I :-;te1=.'r:~=_t7. ~';.i~=~ ?t,~:'~_8_~ :.e \v() ~ir~e to (;pe-r2~_,e 2. fariìlers f:ì,c:.rl:E:"t <br />on tl¡e atc7é ccrn~~~ iri tr-.e ~~c~~;~=<Y':-'é::r:\' b''ng~ n()i,~' ')TI th~ :",:iace"snè sel~ <br />\T8.1.--iCV1E C(1CL'Tloè.itie.:.:- ~..~., :~,~r¡c~_""jl~.~i::':: ~r:;."c::. -:,:"C'.8 tc ~~iG:~·. :'~e i:lent:r~~E::d pe:....~on~ ~·shü <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Via~lt.:~c tv r:ell tl-l~·1~'" 1V2.1"'GS ()d tr~~' COl"'!1er ~~~ch <br />t)e~:·i es, E"~,C:V é:~ .' yefr':'ge:-utoTs, et c Aft CY' nuc]: <br />by' IÚern1;:.."~z tlje <1}.:.;~jicé'.~.Ii:)f~ 0: E"L:t~~~ ?adr; to <br />·~·~":::':'ne2t o'() t~.t,.. ccrne~~ i!l the pr(,~,~'E'n+. t'i~i} <br />::ayes(C). <br /> <br />::2 t::"lat')8S, tp1C:, lC2'¡S of f""iut <br />disCl:E";·J..I...CZ'j, '.iil=.Y11-'''- r.1()""'~(;, 8C20!lde(~ <br />oC) tl;!': ¿t')V~ ;lCmtioL~:1 <br />t'e d~~ie:~. ~c·:l CLIJ. tyes-(S) <br /> <br />!."r. ?ranl~ !>"..~é"''''~'''·)r: ;··r;'=~ 'l:' (""'~ :~~ ,,~..} ~',."~ f :.:cCP!'.~~~"r <br /> <br />a-~,en~t'~ a~~ ~~":e~ t}1~t t~p <br /> <br />gra.::e be ~2t ~bl~~~:,~jj en :;~!,~,"'c"'" .C,T c..::~·~ C):' 1.1p for J~T?)rcx. 1:':25 ~-:·.~d:. ;'~"he:/ <br />v¡er'.::: in!'c~';ned t:L~.[· ì'l2'" r:ot ;_ ,::'er1~J2tc,c: 'c'02(;.~ßmmiI1kI1!CJR'lM~~1!1l1!1tì1Jl1tl1l\~w'dØmmiI1mQn'11¡¡ <br />~n:~~:oocooß~oo~~$t: <br /> <br />j-...~t:;:~:"".:ê~·', l;:f)'í/ed, ~eco:1èec' :.':" E'J..r;l!:1er¿:-ter: t:~8.t :'hf, ~~cC~,rron . ,;.~t:'er be refer?:"6~ tc <br />',':i ll:!:-~ ~-'. :). c 1 ~ c: ~~l:::" 1\:,: (~. ~ -- :, :~ \ :~ vc; ;- ;' (' \ <br /> <br />I'!'Y',:-; V.'~· c--: a:=:l:c'- +'.C C~:t;'cl: '=i'~': tb.(· :c....' <br /> <br />:.. l <:'C V·rr.-. "r .} ~1 <br />~_ , 'c , - <br /> <br />~.~~ <br /> <br />(ìÖ,A"t. };ói.Jté. <br /> <br />'¿,..:, ~.¡:: =:€,l~;c'r <br /> <br />. . . ~ <br />¿:p~:'l:LrCG ;~:. c f. êl.l'~ <br /> <br />.~;~ r rece~.·/;:~ '. ~, (' <br /> <br />.... ~?Lc,·....:.~~ ~ :;;"j~G~:; <br />