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<br />288 <br /> <br />VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HOSEVILLE <br />Frida:r Evening January 30, 1953 at 7 <br /> <br />1) U <br />4. . .V.L. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on th~ abov~ date as a continuation of the 1"1eeting <br />Tuesday evening, JanuAry 27 at 7 P.M. with the following memly:!rs present: <br />1¡ri11mus, Memlre~, Connor and IIammerstùLl CD.rl~;on absent. <br /> <br />The meeting waß cRlled to order at 7:1) P.f.!. b~' Mo.~lor Cœmor with the <br />follovring members of the newl;;.' appointed Zoning Board prepent. <br /> <br />Henry Scblel! <br />Lester JohnGon <br />AJ.lim ChriGtoffBl'sen <br />elm;! ;1esserli <br />Thorw,Ùò Brown <br /> <br />3102 No. Owasso Blvd. <br />11e1 I~()ma <br />11.33 K;U'jrl PlAce <br />25()l No. lNestern Ave. <br />222 ~Jo. HcCarron~ 131 vè. <br /> <br />Ma;yor Connor outlined the dutief' of the Zrming Board. They w01)lr1 have to <br />conduct the necessery hearings th¿d~ will navn tn be held prior t () anJ' rezoning n;;r <br />the pet.i tioncrs and tc present tbÜr finclings to the Council" ;:md hE> stgted th8t <br />they may be overruled on their report at tiw~s by the Council who TOny have a <br />different approach to the area involved. <br /> <br />Mr. Mess(~rli rB5.sed the question of th~ir dut.ies. Were we members d' tb~ <br />Ham:3ey County Planning Comrélission? IKembrez explained t.he Ramsey County Planning <br />Board and told of its duties, and that we were not members of it (mn h,~n no <br />connection wi t.11 it nor w'~re we suhservient to it. Her::¡brcz tolè. of the duties they <br />would have to peri'orTa and that it would ~e pleasant, intHresting ;:md edt:.cntioJl;ll, <br />and fAIt thoy would like doing the ,joh Ol~tlirlcd for them. <br /> <br />Hembroz told of t.he oVf~ralJ. plan that the Engineer W!3.s making b~,' layinG out <br />various areas to residentiHl, lw F'iness and indu~::try, which wOl1ld sirllplify matters. <br /> <br />They would have to listen to both sides of the story and find out the reasons <br />for the objections if any, anò how the snrrounding property would be 2.ffeocted if <br />the pronerty were to b!~ rezoned. <br /> <br />lKr. Drown é1sked if we hAd certé'in areas set aside foT' business, indu~try, etc. <br />That is what tlw Engineer Ü now doing b~r ''laking the master rlm: of tJle Village. <br />Mr. John~(Jn asked i.f they would hé'!veþroblems by pe~'sonf" ~rect,ing small stores and <br />fil11ng st"Ü,iolls on various corneré" of the Village. He wa.s t.ole' :tt wOlJld have to <br />be rezoned for business the same a~ any othnr. <br /> <br />The matter of electing officers was dÜ,cussed. Hr. Drown nomin,!~ted" f"8conded <br />by Christoffersen, th?t Mr. Messerli be chaÌl'man. Mr. Drown nominated, seconded <br />by Lester Johnson, that Mr. Schleh be secretary. Roll call Ayes-(4) Nd~{es-(O). <br /> <br />In accordance with the ordinance Conn(,r T.Joved, secoIlde(~ by Ham.'Dorsten, that <br />Messerli he appointed for the five y€~r terr'!, Sc:hleh for the four year term" <br />Christoffersen for the throe ~rear terr.l, Drown fer the two year terI:1, and .John~on <br />for 7,he one J'ear tArm. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, l:econded bJ' Y!illmuB, th2.t the meeting be Ddj ourned. <br /> <br />/' ".'f <br /> <br />//.i"""'1 At (ó~ Hayor <br /> <br />~~~ <br /> <br />Clerk <br />