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<br />VILLA.GE éOUNCIJ.J OF H03E\iILLE <br />Cont.inued meeting TEe. Eve. H~Tch 2:~, 195L'. é'..;, 7:30 P.E. <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order by Hayor Olson at 7 :1+0 wIth the follo'l-J- <br />in;:; members present: Carlson, Will..rrms, Olson, Salverda and Ea.1lli110rsten. <br />B.J. Loftscaarden, Village Attorney was also present. <br /> <br />The Council members Here handed a cc:;:;¡- of Ordin"nce No. 136 -¡¡Jhich <br />establishes a Police Department for a moments study before entering <br />into the discussioTI on it. <br /> <br />Some of the Ir..en questioned the advisa."bility of the first paragra:Jh <br />in section 2. They would like the Council to pick t.he Ch¿_ef rather <br />than being selected by the men. Loftsgaarden expla,ined the St. Paul <br />set up where they have a police commission which makes the reco~end- <br />ations to the Civil Service Commission fo::' the appointment. <br /> <br />The Clerk read each section of the Ordinance and the Council was in <br />agreement on all of them, except changes in Section(2) and the ænended <br />:3ection (6). <br /> <br />Tne illc.tter of wages was up for discuss¿_on. FcÒyanske s'lzgested :;:;2.00 <br />for'me first hour ~nd $1.00 for each succeeding hour. Willmus <br />suggested a rate of ¡jþl.50 per hour. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, Olson seconded that the policemen be paid 8a.50 <br />per hour. Roll Call Ayes-(5) N~yes-(O) <br /> <br />Olson moved, seconded by Willmus that t,he Chief be paid ;,;1.75 !)er hour <br />and the Assistant Chief be naid ~~1.60 per hour. Roll Call Ayes-CS) <br />Nayes-(O). < <br /> <br />Olson moved, seconded by Carlson that Ordinance No. 186 be acl.o"!Jted <br />uith additions and corrections. Roll Call Ayes-(5) Nayes-(O)~ <br /> <br />Hayor Olson moved, seconded by 'Vlill..rrms th2.1:. the fol101-:ing nar.lsd men <br />reco~~ended by Chief Goneau be appointed policemen: <br /> <br />J ;~ck Sch¡,mrtz <br />Ken Larson <br />lìalph Conoryea <br /> <br />Ken Fabyanske <br />Leroy Cote <br />Art Johnstone <br /> <br />Rotert hiller <br /> <br />Roll Call Ayes-CS) Hayes-(O). <br /> <br />Hr. J.Jinder "Iv-as preGGnt to inquire ¡Jhat had been done about the sUGgested <br />changes in the dog ordinance that had been made by the cO~J1ittee. <br /> <br />E:::.yor OJson said he thought the Ordinance "Has O.K. as is, and the <br />Coe~ittee had just suggested a change of one Hú:--d which ,JaS not of <br />major iBportance. <br /> <br />Carlson moved, seconded by Olson that the recommenQd!:.ions made by the <br />Co:mnÌ'i.:.tee be adopted and that the word "or otherwise" be added at the <br />one< of Section (1) Paragraph B of Ordinance Ho. 177. Holl Call Ayes- <br />(5) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />472 <br /> <br />Police Dept. <br />Ord. 186 <br /> <br />¡'lages for <br />Police <br />Dept. <br /> <br />Change in <br />Dog Ord. <br />