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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILÅ’ <br />Continued meeting of the Vi11aße Council Tuesday June 28, 1955 at 2 p.m. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present: <br />Carlson, Olson, Willmus and Hæ~mersten. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, Olson seconded a petition be accepted from Ed Bossard for <br />rezoning 150 f~. on Lexington Ave. sout~ of the S'lell Station at Roselawn <br />& Lexin~ton, and it be referred to the Planning Commission. Roll Call <br />Ayes (h)-NayeB~O). <br /> <br />Hr. C. \'1. hichaels appeared before the COlli"1c.Ll to find o~t if the streets <br />in C.W,11ichac1s hth Add. had been accepted. As the Engineer was not present <br />no report Has given. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, Carlson seconded to transfer all licenses of the Depot <br />Nite Club from Rene Nassif to Nick Hartung effective July 1, 1955. <br />Roll Cé~l Ayes (h)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Engineer submitted a report on the amounts of Engineering fees and <br />bonds for the construction of streets in Westview Addition #2. <br /> <br />The Council decided to get togethear with Geo. Ii.eiling to discuss the in- <br />stallation of his water rilllins. <br /> <br />The E:gineer submitted a proposal to the Council for the Northern States <br />~ower Co. It was decided it would be referred to the Attorney for checking <br />pefore submitting it to NSPC. <br /> <br />The C:Juncil and the architects for the On-Sale Liquor Store discussed the <br />contract and it was referred to the Attorney for èhecking. <br /> <br />Olson moved, seconded by Carls"n that license renewals be approved. Roll <br />call Ayes (h)-Hayes (0). <br /> <br />Bossa <br />reZOI1 <br /> <br />transfE <br />licensE <br />Depot <br /> <br />WestviE <br />Add. #2 <br /> <br />Olson mo ,-ed, seconded by Hammersten that He adjourn. Roll Ca"l Ayes ~4)-Nayes (C) <br /> <br />fie ()~ <br />IvlAYOR <br /> <br />~~ <br />CLEEK <br />