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<br />Regulax' mea'i;ing of t.he Villag(~ Council, Tuef)da'y~, Na¡'ch 26r. 1957. <br /> <br />8 >~ .,L r <br /> <br />The Council met on the above date w:tth the .fQllo,," members present: <br />Brennan, Carlson,þ Hammersten» Kitts ancl M~Gea~ AttornC!.lY Loftsgaaroen <br />~ Engineers Bather and ßouttel" were als~ present,~ <br /> <br />Hammarsten l-1oved, Carlson Seconded the minutes of th9 meeting of MRrch 12) Hi 'YfES <br />be accep'tðd as corrected" Roll Call Ayes (5) ,·-l{e.yes (0)" <br /> <br />.:.... <br />; '" <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Harmnersten Seconded the minutes of the meeting of Harch 19;, <br />be accepted as corrected" Roll Call A'S'es ($)..J1ayes (0'" <br /> <br />,HINU',!',', <br /> <br />Ray JUrtrim submitted a petition with approximately 471 signatures, <br />reques,t1ng that the council reappoint ~1:t's" Ro F., Hatfield to tèJÆ.¡ <br />Planning Cormn1ssion at the expiration or her prûßsnt term or offico" <br />Hammersten Moved" Brennan Seconded the PS'U t:ton be pIll cad íJn file <br />and brought up on April 23rd.. <br />Roll Call Ayes (4).,.Nqes 0,)= Kitts opposedo <br /> <br />PE'1'I'Hœ¡ <br />l"OH <br />HRS ..ErA 'l'T<TEI·U <br /> <br />R. G.. Amundsen of 13ll Shryer S"<.ll:mitted a. petition 1V'bich conta.ined PIIT!'?LC:'; -,,'J' <br />59 signature~:, requesting ilmnediata action on_ the 'later aituatj.or., DR1\IWc;.:., <br />existing on Shryer between Hamline and Dallw'oocl" GC':::r:::c,';':~c" <br />The fOllOtlTing persons were heard ....rith :rega.v.'{1 tc tìl0 problem: <br />Gordon Anderson 1305 Shryer <br />Eo L.. Peterson 1311 Shryer ~~)L/~41,j.'-.Å6"j-t'Jj--"-- . <br />Mrs. T. 0.. Maloney 1322 Sbryer P <br />Brennan Movedþ CerJ.aO!1 Seconc!ed the Engi er 00 inst¡>ctcted 'ì:"'J mak~ a¡1 <br />investi~ation as to where the culvert alIOS draining on pr:..vate propart,y <br />and report on a means of the situation at the April 9th mo(rlt- <br />ing, and that he take action on the matter before that data if he' possibly <br />can& Ron C::>U Ayes (5)~Na,yes (0)0 <br /> <br />Ed Bather reported that at one time a survey crew was used to determine DELL~iOOD ,',: <br />the cause of the drainage problem at Dell\-l00d and Ryan" It was found RYAN DHAT'i.','. <br />that a contractor by the name of )1r" Jesse had intœr.!þ,},::';;J'ced the <br />drainage tlœ by fining in t.he dl'sinage ditch which is Village properwo <br />Do:Mld Stieper wss present and informed the council that he has since <br />purchased t.hß Jesße pròperty" Attorney Jmn~s Oreenst.ien, a resident. of <br />the area was also present to express his views on the mattero <br />Hammerst..en Moved, Brennan Seconded the engineer be authorized to correct <br />the situation" Ron Call Ayes (S)""Nayes (0).. <br />McGee Moved, Brennan Seconded when the cost of work has been determined, <br />the attorney be instructed to contact the former owner to get him to re= <br />imhlrse the Village for the cost of the worko Roll Call ayes (S)...Nayes (0) c <br /> <br />Peter Popovich, Vl1lage Bond Consultant in:t"ormsd the council that ~'e School SCHOOL <br />Board plans to pay t}t,)1l- sewer assessment when tr¡gy get their bond money" J\SSS:32;" <br /> <br />Mr. Popovich alSo discussed with the council, the financial standing of <br />the VilLage with regard to bonds to be issued for the construction of <br />Sanitary Sewer District #2. <br />Hammersten 11oved, Brennan Seconded the resolution be adopted <br />Roll CaU Ayes (S)=Nayes (0)" <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ORDZRING PREPARATION OF <br />REPORT ON SANITARY SEHER )Jv¡PROVEHEN'l' NO.. 2 <br /> <br />SEylER D~>:;~ <br /> <br />SEWEt1 DIG '? <br />RESOllT'I'I :n: <br />~!/5 <br /> <br />".'"'. <br />.,..... <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />r...f) :L~.::~OVCf <br />':": .'.' \ f <br /> <br />rJ,l of the Village of R088vtllep <br />~'- "";;'5_bt~d <br /> <br /> <br />1~TH:EnEt~s t <br /> <br />it i['l propßsaå <br />