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<br />VILLA1li; OF ROSEVILIE <br /> <br />Regular l-!ceting of the VIllage Council, J.'-riday', li"ebruary 17, 1961 <br /> <br />The Village CoUncil met on the above date with t he following members <br />present. Mayor Cedarholm~ Trustees flanacan, Shields, McGee, and <br />Reinecke present. ~ngineer Soutter and Attorney Dell 'tiare also present" <br /> <br />8:00 P.. N,. <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />Reinecke moved, Sh1elcle Seconded, that the m.i.nutes be acoepted, as <br />corrected. Roll Call, Ayes ($) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved, flanagan Seconded, that the Bossard ~later Problem be <br />referred to the Engineer. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />Shields !"JQved, Flanagan Seconded, that tJ1e Ninnesota Transfer Extension WALNUT ST'REET <br />of 'Walnut Street be refe:r'red to the Village Engineer. Roll Callf! <br />Ayes (5) - Nays. (O)~ <br /> <br />~rrNuTE~> <br /> <br />BOSSARD <br /> <br />Reinecke Moved, Shields Seconded, t hat the Markham Excavating Company iiARKH!\i4: <br />problem on the question of non conforming uses bEl18terred to the Village EXCAVA.TING COo <br />Attorne7, and a report be made by him to the Vi1~'1,.GouncU at the <br />Council I'ieeting of Maroh 3, 1061.. Roll Call, Ayes (,) .. Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Reinecke Seconded, that the Reiling Petition to rezone <br />from Rl to R2 aT. County Road. C and Lexington, a.pproximately, be <br />referred to the Planning Commission for a Public Hearing on April. <br />5. 1961& Roll Call, Ayes (5) - N~s (O)~ <br /> <br />Shieids Ivloved.. l<lanagan Seconded. that the Reilinr; Petition to raze,ne <br />from RI t~ se at County Road C 'and Lexington, approximately, be <br />referred to the Plannine CoDll11sston for a, Public Hearing cn April 5,,, <br />19610 Roll Call. Ayes (;) ~ Na~ (0). <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Reinecke se~ond.eci, that the offer of a donation of land <br />for park sites by the Aladdin Improvement Company be referred to <br />the Recreation Board for ex8.m1nation and their recommendation to <br />the Village Council" Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0)<1 <br /> <br />Flanagan Moved, McGee Seconded, that the A1addin Petition to rezone <br />fr(~m Rl to R2 at Skillman and East of Fry, approximately, be referred <br />to the Planning Oommission for a Public Hearing on April 5, 19610 <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (.0)0 . <br /> <br />REILING <br />F.l!;ZONING <br /> <br />REILING <br />HE7.GUn~G <br /> <br />ALA.DDIN <br />IMPROVENENT <br />CO~ <br /> <br />ALADDI N <br />IHIROV L.;NENT <br />COlt <br />