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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular Meeting of the Village Council, January 14, 1963,s:oo P,M, <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members <br />present:Mayor McGee, Trustees Curley, Kustermann and Schrenker, <br />Trustee Goodrich absent, <br />Curley Moved,MINUTES <br />Schrenker Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting of <br />January 7, 1963, be approved, Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0), <br />LYNDE REZONING - <br />Curley Moved,Kustermann Seconded, that J. K. Lynde, .Jr,?s request <br />DIVISION OF LOT <br />for rezoning and the splitting of the lot be referred to the Planning <br />Commission subject to the establishment of the validity of the petition <br />and the abstract.Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br />PANEL TRUCK <br />Kustermann Moved, Schrenker Seconded, that Clayton-Anderson Ford of <br />North Branch, Minnesota, be awarded the bid on the panel truck in <br />the amount of $1.724.00 for a 1963 Ford Econoline Truck,Roll Call, <br />- Nays (0) . <br />AYes (4) <br />LIQUOR DISPENSERS <br />Curley Moved,Kustermann Seconded, that Stone?s bid for 60 liquor <br />dispensers without counters in the amount of $3,557,40 be accepted, <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br />Schrenker Moved, Kustermann Seconded, that the standing rules forSTANDING RULES <br />;le Village of Roseville as revised regarding disqualification be <br />adopted for the year 1963, Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br />SECRETARY <br />Curley Moved,Schrenker Seconded, that Mr, Albert Grauel be re- <br />PLANNING COM- <br />appointed as secretary of the Planning Commission for the year 1963, <br />MISSION <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br />Kustermann Moved, Schrenker Seconded, that Mr. Robert Jonason beCHAIRMAN PLANNING <br />appointed Chairman of the Planning Commission for the year 1963,COMMISSION <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br />Schrenker Moved, Curley Seconded, <br />that political clubs from theUSE OF VILLAGE <br />D.F.L, Party and G.O.P. Party be allowed to use the Village Hall <br />HALL BASEMENT <br />basement for meetings upon approval of the Village Administrator, <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0) , <br />Kustermann Moved, Schrenker Seconded, that Ordinance No, 385 establish- <br />ORDINANCE NO.385 <br />ing the requirement for occupancy permits be adopted, <br />Roll Call,OCCUPANCY PERMITS <br />- Nays (0). <br />AYes (4) <br />Kustermann Moved, Schrenker Seconded, that the Clerk issue a draft of <br />PARK SITE 1-C <br />the Village in the amount of One Thousand,Two Hundred Ninety Dollars <br />ERWIN G, BRAHAM <br />($1,290,00) in payment of the balance due on Park Site No, 1-C; said <br />draft should be made payable to Erwin C. Braham and Rose M, Braham and <br />he First National Bank of Minneapolis, St, Anthony Falls Office, Roll <br />all, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />