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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular Meeting of the Village Council - January 8, 1973. <br /> <br />The Village CmIDcil met on the above date with the following <br />members present: Mayor Linebarger, Cmmcilmen Anderson, Brerman, <br />Curley and Grauel. <br /> <br />Curley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting <br />of December 18, 1972, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Brerman, Curley, Grauel and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Brerman Moved, Anderson Seconded, that the following Standing <br />Rules of Procedure be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Brerman, Curley, Grauel and Linebarger. Nays: None. <br /> <br />Rule 1. <br /> <br />Rule 2. <br /> <br />Rule 3. <br /> <br />Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Council <br />shall be held at the Village Hall on the second, third <br />and last Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />~ecial Meetings. Special meetings must be called at <br />The request of at least three (3) members of the Council. <br />Only those items specifically agreed upon in advance shall <br />be considered. At least 24 hours advance notice must be <br />given to all members of the Cotmcil prior to the holding <br />of said special meetings. <br /> <br />Fmergency Meetings. Fmergency meetings may be called at <br />any time providing all members of the Council sign waivers <br />of notice prior to the holding of such emergency meeting. <br /> <br />Rule 4. Q..1orum. Three (3) members of the Council shall constitute <br />a quonnn. <br /> <br />Rule 5. <br /> <br />Rule 6. <br /> <br />Rule 7. <br /> <br />Rule 8. <br /> <br />Mimtes. As soon as a quorum is present, minutes of the <br />previous meeting shall be approved as presented or accepted <br />after corrections have been made. <br /> <br />Motions. Any motion, by any member, shall be reduced to <br />wri ting upon the request of any member. No motion shall be <br />put to vote until it has been stated by the recorder at the <br />request of any member of the Council. <br /> <br />Minutes of Motions. After a motion shall be stated by the re- <br />corder, it shall be in possession of the Council, but it may <br />be withdrawn at any time by the Cotmcilman presenting the <br />motion before being amended or acted upon. All motions and <br />amendments thereto shall be entered upon the minutes and the <br />vote thereon whether they be adopted or rejected. <br /> <br />petitionsJ Memorials, etc. Petitions, memorials and other <br />papers ad ressed to the Council shall be presented by the <br />presiding officer or by a member in his place or may be read <br />by the recorder at the request of a member of the presiding <br />officer. All petitions, memorials and other cornmtmications <br />which may be filed with or delivered to the Clerk prior to the <br />meeting of the COlIDCil shall be brought before the Cotmcil by <br />said Clerk. <br /> <br />7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />STANDING <br />RULES OF <br />PROCEIURE <br />