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<br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular Meeting of the City Council - April 14, 1975" <br /> <br />The City Council met on the above date with the following <br />members presenL Mayor Linebarger, Councilmen Hess, Brennan, <br />Curley and Demos" <br /> <br />A,l Hess Moved~ Brennan Seconded, that the week of April 14-20, <br />1975. be proclaimed "Minnesota Honey Sunday Week"" Roll Call, <br />Ayes' Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demos and Linebarger. Nays~ <br />None, <br /> <br />Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting <br />of March 31. 1975, be approved, Roll Call, Ayes. Hess, Brennan, <br />Curley. Demos and Linebarger, Nays~ None, <br /> <br />Bl Curley Moved, Demos Seconded. that the Tusler Lodge request for <br />rezoning from R-l to R,3A~ special use permit and conditional use <br />permit at 1321 County Road B-2 be referred back to the Planning <br />Commission for consideration at their June 4, 1975, meeting" <br />Ro 11 Call, Ayes ~ Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demos and Linebargero <br />Nays; None, <br /> <br />Demos Moved, <br />for division <br />Call. Ayes" <br />None, <br /> <br />Brennan Seconded, that the request of Tusler Lodge <br />of a lot at 1321 County Road B-2 be approved, Roll <br />Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demos and Linebarger, Nays: <br /> <br />B-2 Brennan Moved, Hess Seconded, that the request of PIK Terminal <br />for rezoning from T -1 to I~2~ special use permit, vacation of <br />right-ofcway and conditional use permit at 2690 Prior Avenue <br />be denied, Roll Call, Ayes: Hess, Brennan and Demos ,. Nays ~ <br />Curley and Linebarger <br /> <br />e.l Demos Moved, Brennan Seconded, that a Council work session <br />be established for 6~4S P.M", Monday, April 21,1975, at the <br />City Hall for the purpose of discussing the City's Dog Control <br />program, and such notice be posted on the City Hall bulletin <br />board no later than April 18~ 1975, Roll Call, Ayes.. Hess, <br />Brennan~ Curley~ Demos and Linebarger, Nays; None" <br /> <br />E.l Brennan Moved. Hess Seconded, that the request of Peter Hermes <br />for division of a lot at 885 County Road B~2 be continued until <br />April 21, 1975. Roll Call, Ayes: Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demos <br />and Linebarger, Nays: None, <br /> <br />E 2 Linebarger Moved, Curley Seconded ~ that a public hearing be <br />estab 1 i shed for May 12. 1975, on Robert Rieschel, etal, request <br />for vacation of right-of-way. Roll Call, Ayes: Hessi Brennan, <br />Curley, Demos and Linebarger, Nays: None" <br /> <br />E.3 Hess Moved Brennan Seconded, that Resolution No" 6246 supporting <br />the need for a County Adult Detention Center be adopted. Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Hess, Brennan, Curley, Demos and Linebarger" Nays~ <br />None. <br /> <br />7:30 P.M. <br /> <br />PROCLAMATION <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />TUSLER LODGE <br /> <br />DIVISION OF <br />LOT <br /> <br />PIK TERMINAL <br /> <br />WORK SESSION <br /> <br />PETER HERMES <br /> <br />ROBERT <br />RIESCHEL <br /> <br />RESOLUTI ON <br />NO" 6246 <br />