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<br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular Meeting of the C.l ty Council. April 28, 1975 <br /> <br />7:30 PMo <br /> <br />The City Coune i 1 met on the above date wi th the following <br />members present. !Kt "ng Major Roger Hess ~ Councilmen <br />Brennan and Cur ley Councilman Demos arr ived at 7 35 Po Mo <br />Absent. Mayor Linebarger <br /> <br />A I Brennan Moved, Curley Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting <br />of Apr~l 21~ 1975~ be approved" Roll Call~ Ayes: Brennan~ <br />Curley and Hess Nays Noneo <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />D 1 Curl ey Mav ed, Brennan Seconded, that the City Manager send <br />a letter to Ramsey County askIng that another informational <br />meeting on the :,mprovement of Lexington Avenue be held~ and <br />that notices of the meet ng be mailed to all property owners <br />on Lexington between Parker and Woodhi11 DrLVe~ and that such <br />notice be published Iln the newspapeL Roll Call~ Ayes: <br />Brennan, Curley~ Demos and HeSSe Nays: None" <br /> <br />LEXINGTON <br />AVENUE <br />IMPROVEMENT <br /> <br />E.I Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded. that a work session be est- <br />ablished for May 5. 1975, at 7 00 P.M. in the City Hall for the <br />purpose of dIscussing recognItion of Councd Advisory Boards <br />and the proposed Dog Control program" Roll Call, Ayes <br />Brennan, Curley, Demo::> and Hess" Nays None <br /> <br />WORK SESSION <br /> <br />E,2 <br /> <br />Curley Moved, Demos Seconded, <br />to serve on the Ramsey County <br />uniform snowmobil e ordinanceo <br />Curl ey j Demo s and Hess Nay s . <br /> <br />that Roger Hess be appointed <br />League Committee to develop a <br />Roll Call, Ayes Brennanj <br />None, <br /> <br />RAMSEY <br />COUNTY <br />LEAG UE <br /> <br />E.4 Demos Moved, Brennan Seconded. that the bid for diseased tree <br />removal. ProJect. M,75 5, be awarded to L & B Tree Service, low <br />bidder. Roll Call, Aye~, Brennan, Curley. Demos and Hess, <br />Nays' None <br /> <br />PROJECT <br />M.7 5 - 5 <br /> <br />E,5 Curley Moved, Brennan Seconded, that all taxes payable In <br />1972 and thereafter lncludmg Interest and penalties be abated <br />on the duly dedicated publIC road appearing as Partridge Road on <br />the Plat of Partridge Industrial Park now on file and of record, <br />Ro 11 Call. Ayes Brennan, Cur ley, Demos and Hess, Nays: None, <br /> <br />ABATEMENT <br />OF TAXES .~ <br />PARTRIDGE <br />ROAD <br /> <br />E.6 Brennan Moved. Curley Seeonded~ that an agreement with Sereo <br />for special water quaIl. tIes studies assooated with ProJ ect <br />51,.75 6 storm sewers in the HamHne-Josephine areas be approved" <br />Roll Call, Ayes. Brennan, Curley, Demos and Hess.- Nays. None.. <br /> <br />PROJECT <br />ST. 75-6 <br /> <br />E 8 Brennan Moved, Demos Seconded, that the licenses be approved, <br />Roll Call, Ayes. Brennan. Curley, Demos and Hess.. Nays: <br />None" <br /> <br />LI CENSES <br /> <br />~1.gar~!te ~~~~~ <br /> <br />Gas Pum.e~ <br /> <br />Continental Oil Co" <br /> <br />Continental Oil Coo <br />