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<br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular Meeting of the CIty Counnl January 26, 1976 <br /> <br />1ne CIty CounCIl met on the above date wIth the following <br />members present: Mayor Derus, Counolmen Anderson, Curley, <br />Grauel and Hess, <br /> <br />A 1 Curley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that the mInutes of the meeting <br />of January 19, 1976j be approved, Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Curl ey, Gr aue 1, Hess and Demos, Nays: None, <br /> <br />B 1 Curley Moved, Grauel Secondedj that the City Attorney be in' <br />structed to prepare the Ramsey COLUlty League of Local Govern' <br />ments model snowmobile ordInance In its hnal form WI th the <br />follOWIng proVlsion added In Section L 1 "limHation of oper~ <br />atlOn" Operation IS not permitted closer than 150 feet from <br />any resident building except for the purpose of loading and <br />unloadIng the snowmobIle on the trailer, Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel, and Hess, Nays: Demos, <br /> <br />B 2 Grauel Moved, Hess Seconded, that Ken ReInhardt I s request for <br />hnal plat approval "Ken Reinhardt Addition No, 3" at about <br />907 Sherren be continued to the February 23, 1976, meeting, <br />Roll Call, Ay'es: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos, <br />Nays. None <br /> <br />B 3 Grauel !'1oved, Hess Seconded, that Ray Kroiss I request for final <br />plat "Whl.te Oak Hills NOe. 2" at about 3030 North Cleveland Avenue <br />be continued to the February 23, 1976, meeting, Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos, Nays: None, <br /> <br />B-4 Curley Moved, Hess Seconded, that Bureau Investment Corporation <br />request for dIvislOn of lot and spenal use permit at 1885 <br />Trunk HIghway 36 be approved and that Mr, Bureau's letter of <br />January 8, 1976, regarding the proposed use of the land between <br />MIdwest Federal and Red Lobster Inn be placed on file, Roll <br />Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos 0 Nays: <br />None <br /> <br />C 1 Hess Hoved, Grauel Seconded, that lVllliarn Cushman be reappointed <br />to the Parks and Recreation Corrnni ttee for a term expiring <br />February 1, 1979 Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, <br />Hess and Demos Nays: None, <br /> <br />Hess Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Ann Berry be reappointed to <br />the Human Rlghts Commission for a term expi ring February 1, 1979, <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos, <br />Nays: None. <br /> <br />Hess Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Dave Hall be reappointed to <br />the Human Rights CommIssion for a term expiring February 1, 19790 <br />Roll Call, Ayes. Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos, <br />Nays. None <br /> <br />7:30 porn, <br /> <br />~lINUTES <br /> <br />MJDEL SNOWMJBI LE <br />ORDINANCE <br /> <br />KEN REINHARDT <br /> <br />RAY KROI SS <br /> <br />BUREAU INVESTMENT <br />CORPORATION <br /> <br />ADVISORY BOARD <br />APPOINTMENTS <br />