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<br />RESOLUTION NO. 304 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Village of Roseville herein called the "Applicant" <br />after thorough consideration of the various aspects of the problem and <br />study of available data. has hereby determined that the construction of <br />certain public works, general described as a. complete water works system <br />for the supply, storage, and distribution of water to users in the <br />village is desirable and ia the public interest and to that end it is <br />necessary that aetion preliminary to the eonstruction of said works be <br />taken inmediate1y; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law ,60, 83rd Congress, as <br />amended, the United States of America has authorized the making of <br />advances to public bodies to aid in financing the eost of engineeri~ <br />and architectural surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications <br />or other aetion preliminary to and in preparation for the construetion <br />of public works; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, THE Applicant has examined and duly considered sueh <br />Aet and the Applicant eonsiders it to be in the public interest and <br />to its benefit to file an application under said Aet and to authorize <br />other action in conneetion therewith; <br /> <br />HCM THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL THE <br />GOVERNING OODY OF SAID APPLICANT AS FOLID1S: <br /> <br />1. That the construction of said public works is essential to <br />and is to the best interests of the Applicant, and to the end that sueh <br />public works may be provided as promptly as practicable it is desirable <br />that action preliminary to the construction thereof be undertaken immediately; <br /> <br />2. That E. F. Cedarho1m be hereby authorized to file in beha11' <br />of the Applicant an applieation (in form required by the United States and in <br />conformity with said Act) for an advance to be made by the United States <br />to the Applicant to aid in defraying the cost of plan preparation for the <br />above described publie works, which shall consist generally of a complete <br />waterworks system for the supply, storage, and distribution of potable <br />water to the dwellings, pub1ie, and private buildings, businesses and <br />industries wi. thin the corporate limits of the Village of Rosevi1le. <br /> <br />3. That if sueh advanee be made, the Applicant shall provide or <br />make necessary arrangements to provide such funds, in addi tiOD to the <br />advance, as may be required to defray the cost of the plan preparation of <br />such public works; <br />