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<br />REseI,UTION <br /> <br />#306 <br /> <br />WHEREAS Julia B. London, Henry J. Fothen, George E. Tschida, and Elrner <br />R. Johnson, as developer, have platted ROSELA~vN ACRES and thereln dedicated <br />certain streets mown as DELUfOOD AVENUE and BilliON AVENTTE, and pursuant to <br />certain provisions of the Village Ordinance, have undertaken to grade and <br />stabilize, or cause to be graded and stabilized, and have filed their bond <br />for the con~letion of said streets within said plat as follows: DELL WOOD <br />AVENUE from Hoselawn Avenue to the south line of Roselawn Acres and HURON <br />AVENUE from Roselawn Avenue to south line of H.oselawn Acres, and, <br /> <br />ii'TFSR.EAS, Julia B. London, Henry J. Pothen, George E. Tschida, and <br />Elmer R. Johnson have filed and also made their request for approval and <br />the final acceptance of said streets by the Village of Rcseville, and, <br /> <br />v.mEREAS, the Village Engineer has examined and :i.nspected said streets, <br />and has filed his ce-rtificate indicating that the construction of said <br />streets :has been completed in accordance with aJ 2- the requirements of the <br />\Tillage Ordinance enel recommends the acceptance of said streets by the <br />'1 Hlage . <br /> <br />lJGIT THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that DELUmOD }.VENUE from Hoselawn <br />Avenue to the south line of Rosela"rn Acres and HlffiOH AV:8NUE from EoselclT..J"n <br />Avenue tl..l!:,i,e south line of Ftc'3elawn Acres, be and are hereby accepted <br />by the 'lillage of Ros8ville as 7i.llafG Streets, and that Jui ia B. <br />London, Henry ,J. Fothen, George E. Tschida, :;md Elmer 'ct. Johnso'1, as <br />deve18p8r, and Anchor Casua.lty Co., as bonding company be and are hereby <br />released frO!~ any further liability for construction a.nd m8intenance <br />of said streets. <br /> <br />ADOFTED by the Village Council thiE> (~ <br /> <br />~/7 .. <br />, t ,/ <br />~,. T' ~ LL-(...,./' <br />d'A.1 of ~/'-k-Yv"'-" , <br /> <br />1959. <br /> <br />l';ayor <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />I <br />L/ <br />/// ~~''- <br />/ <br />cf- <br /> <br />I:----~-C -l:... <br />:; <br />C18-1:'k <br /> <br />(c <br /> <br />f . <br />/7-- /,/ <br />. t' <br /> <br />) (. ( <br />