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<br />Extract of l'dnutes of heeting of the <br />Village Council, Village of Roseville <br />County of rtarr,sey, State of Minnesota <br /> <br />r, J <br />jl <br /> <br />PUrsuant to due call and notice thereof, c:. regnlar meeting of the Village <br />Council of the \Tj nage oi' "Ro~eville, Ransey County, hinnesota, w~s duly held <br />in the village hall at 2701 H. Lexington Ave., St. PI3.1l1, Hinnesota, on Tuesday, <br />the 22nd of December, 195'9, at 8:00 t.M. <br /> <br />The follow:;ng members ..rere present: Cedarholm, Keene, Carlson, Shiolcs <br />and the following were absent: Brennan <br /> <br />Trustee .shields introdncerl the following resolution cmd moved its adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLU'J'ICN #31u RELATING TO AFFORTIONhENT OF ASSESSHEN'l'S RETJA.'1'ING TO <br />S"A.NITARY SE'!TSR IIvIFRC'ffi';BNT :'JU. 2 <br /> <br />BF IT RESOIV~f! by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, lYiinnesota, <br />as <br /> <br />"rrIEREAS the assessment roll for Sanitar~r Sewer Improvement No. 2 as last finally <br />amended o.nd ndopted on November 9, 1959, was filer) ana certified to the County <br />Auditor of~rn~sey County on December 10, 1959, for the purpose of including inst~ll~ <br />rrents thereof to be collected along with real est9.te taxes cOll1r:lencing in 1960, and <br /> <br />:'T}IEREAS parcels of property as contained i1" the original assessment roll as <br />certified, have since been divided and conveyed by property owners, and <br /> <br />TI'THEREPS the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionI".ent of <br />original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br />sold or conveyed be made by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville in <br />order that the proper assessment can be extended by the Countylludi to,r against <br />each parcel of property thereafter, after the same has been conveyed and divided, <br />to co~~ence with the assessment to be collected in the year 1960 and thereafter. <br /> <br />NOW THEREFORE, the Village Council of the Village of Roseville does hereby make <br />the following apportionment of an original assessment as contained in said <br />assessment roll of November 9, 1959 against the followinr:r described properties: <br /> <br />Criginal Assessment: <br /> <br />See No. 60 & 62 <br /> <br />Apportionment: <br /> <br />Subj. to Hamline Ave; the N 500 ft <br />of S 860 ft of E 400 ft of }~ 1/4 of <br />SW 1/4 of Sec. 3. <br /> <br />Snbj. to Co. Rd. Ave. & esmts & ex S 165 <br />ft of W 100 ft of E 893 ft & ex N 500 <br />ft of S 860 ft of E uOO ft & ex S 300 ft <br />of E 623 ft; the NEl of S\<T?t of Sec. 3 <br /> <br />Subj to Co Rd. Ave & esmts & ex S 165 <br />ft of W 100 ft of E 893 ft & ex N 607 ft <br />of S 967 ft of E 623 ft & ex S 300 ft <br />of E 623 ft; the NE ~ of ~d?t of Sec. 3 <br /> <br />Subj to Ave; the tJ 607 ft of 3 967 ft of <br />E 623 ft of tffi i of Sw ~ of Sec. 3. <br /> <br />Od ginal Assessment: Subj to Ave & Rd & Ex E 1075 ft & ex part <br />S of N 1446 ft of v~ 500 ft of E 2075 ft; <br />See No. 88 part, N of Ry R/4, of Se~ of Sec. 4 <br />(the N 400' not assessed) <br /> <br />~3, 591.25 <br /> <br />16,)93.75 <br /> <br />13,792.50 <br /> <br />6,392.50 <br /> <br />29,137.50 <br />