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<br />RESOLUTION NO. C:, /t/ <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTI!'JC ASS[SS''ENT FOP, STREET 1'1PROVEilEl'JT 1';0. 1 <br /> <br />1}HEREAS, pursuant to ~)roper notice duly given as rec:uired by law, the <br />Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the 1)roposed <br />assessment for the ImproveJ:!ent of Arthur Place fror: Count)' Road D south <br />to the cul-de-sac, <br /> <br />nmr, TI-IEl(ErOT~E, GE IT RESOLVED BY TI-IE VILLAGE COUNCIL or ROSEVILLE, <br />,fINIJESOTA: <br /> <br />1. Such proposed assessment, a cOT')' of which is attached hereto and <br />made a part hereof, is hereby acce9ted and shall constitute the <br />special assessment apainst the lands named therein, and each tract <br />of land therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the <br />proposed improver:ent in the amount of the assessment levied ar:ainst <br />it. <br /> <br />2. Such asseSSiilent shall be payab Ie in equal annual install:r:ents <br />extending over a period of five years, the first installr:ent to be <br />payable on or before the first !Jonday in ,January, 1963, ancf shall <br />bear interest at the rate ot- five per cent per annur from the (~ate <br />of adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first instalb:ent <br />shall be added the interest of the entire assessnent EroD t~e date <br />of this Resolution until December 31, 1962. To each subsequent <br />installIr:ent \!Jhen due shall be added interest for one ye2cr on all <br />un!)aid installments. <br /> <br />3. The o\,ljner of any ~?roI:)erty so assessed r,~ay. J at any time prior <br />to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, -oa)' <br />the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accr~1C(l <br />to the date of ?Jayment, to the Villa?c Treasurer, excert that no <br />interest shall be charrrec' if th e entire aSSCSS~i1ent is ;)aid \d thin <br />30 days fro)') the adm:,tion of this Resolution, and he may, at any <br />time thereafter, })ay to the County Treasure].' the entire arr'ount of <br />the aSSeSSll'ent rCE1ainin~ lm:;Jaid, with interest accrued to Decer:ber 31 <br />of the year in which such payr:'cnt is nade. <br /> <br />4. The Clerk shall fOl'with trfms)"it a certified dU1Jlicate o~ this <br />assessy'ent to t;1c County Auditor to be extenc:ec1 on the '-,roper tax <br />lists of the County, and such assessment shall be collected and <br />T~aid over in the s,me ]))anner as other ~lUnici')al taxes. <br /> <br />17th <br /> <br />September <br /> <br />AdoDted by the Council this <br /> <br />clay or <br /> <br />, 1962. <br /> <br />SEA.L <br /> <br />