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<br />Extract of ~1inutes of Heeting of the <br />Village Council <br />Village of Roseville <br />County of Ramsey <br />State of Hinnesota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village Council <br /> <br />of the Vi lIage of Rosevi lle, Ramsey County I Minnesota, was duly he Id in the Vi Hage <br /> <br />rlall at 2701 .\Jorth Lexington Avenue, St. Paul, 'linnesota, on ~Ionday, the <br />clay of O~ ,1962, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. <br /> <br />/<27' <br /> <br />, The following members weJ~ presen~: )?J~ ~7~__(_,/ ~/~ <br />,~~~/~ <br />and-the following were a~sent: c?.h~ <br /> <br />~L,/'pzd-LA./ ~{hJ't:..<<...Antroduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption: <br /> <br /> <br />Resolution NO.~~ <br /> <br />RESOLUTION RELATING TO APPORTIONMENT or ASSESS~1ENTS <br />RELATING TO SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 1 <br />- <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, <br /> <br />as follows: <br /> <br />IVIlEREAS, the assessment roll for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. _ as finally <br />amended and adopted on nctoher 4, 1951 ,was certified to the Count)' Auditor of <br /> <br />Ramsey County and <br /> <br />I~IEREAS, a hearing on supplemental assessments, reassessments, and apportionment <br /> <br />of previous assessments in respect to Sanitary Sewer Improvement No..!-was held on <br />adjourned to July 24, 195.g <br />.July 11, 1958 and! at which time assessments for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No..2...... <br /> <br />were amended as provided by said resolution of said date ancl certified in the office <br /> <br />of the County Auditor of Ramsey County on September 5, 1951) and <br />