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Findings of Fact <br />A. To accommodate an adequate supply of businesses and services that serve the <br />community and motorists traveling through the community with a broad range <br />of services and goods. <br />B. To provide locations for uses that may be incompatible with retail centers, <br />thereby keeping the retail centers compact and convenient. <br />C. To keep services in close proximity to arterial streets or highways in areas that <br />are appropriately designated on the Comprehensive Plan. <br />D. To encourage grouping of compatible and mutually supportive business uses <br />and services. <br />E. To promote business prosperity. <br />F. To establish a high standard of development and design that produces a positive <br />visual image and minimizes the effects of traffic congestion, noise, odor and <br />glare. <br />G. To allow a transitional reuse of existing buildings until market conditions <br />warrant redevelopment. <br />H. To enhance redevelopment potential by prohibiting uses that would impede <br />redevelopment. <br />I. To ensure acceptable traffic operations on local streets. <br />J. To promote flexibility in land uses and site development standards to achieve <br />the purposes of the district. <br />The Planning Commission must make a finding as to whether or not the proposed sign standard <br />adjustment at 3920 Northwoods Drive meets the criteria in the Sign Code to deviate from the <br />sign regulations and if the increased height of the signage would adversely affect the surrounding <br />neighborhood and the community as a whole. Staff offers the following nine findings for <br />consideration: <br />1. The property is located in the B -3 Zoning District and Sign District 7. <br />2. In Sign District 7, freestanding signs are permitted up to 25 square feet and eight feet <br />in height <br />3. The property is a conforming use in the B -3 Zoning District. <br />4. The existing freestanding sign is 16 feet in height and 102 square feet in size, and <br />exceeds the maximum size standards in Sign District 7. <br />5. The existing freestanding sign is adjacent to highway 694. <br />6. The proposed sign would be 35 feet in height and 102 square feet in size. <br />7. Adjacent businesses have freestanding signs that are 35 feet in height along highway <br />694. <br />8. The sign would not be visible from residential properties. <br />9. Section 1260 of the Sign Code permits deviations from the Sign Code through the site <br />plan review process. <br />10. The location of the office building and the placement of the existing sign limit the <br />visibility of the sign from I -694 eastbound. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for January 5, 2011 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />