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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—December 13, 2010 12 <br /> 7.A. Adoption of the Final 2011 Budget and Tax Levy (continued) <br /> Special City Council meeting. The 2011 Proposed Budget has projected revenues of$10,218,392 <br /> and projected expenditures of $13,060,056. This budget includes expenditures and revenues <br /> across all funds. The General Fund budget is proposed at revenues of $3,897,217 and <br /> expenditures of $3,917,217. The only changes in the proposed budget that came out of the <br /> November worksession are the reduction of$28,000 in expenditures and the use of$20,000 of <br /> reserves as directed by the City Council. This reduces the Proposed Property Tax Levy from <br /> $3,088,964 to $3,040,964 resulting in a 0.8% increase over the 2010 Property Tax Levy. There <br /> were no changes made to the proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) presented at the <br /> November worksession. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that the budget is not balanced due to the projected revenue and <br /> projected expenditures in the Capital Improvement Plan Fund and is a result of the pavement <br /> management projects. These funds are received through special assessments and some of these <br /> funds are used for the capital improvement of the infrastructure of the City and the public utilities <br /> area. <br /> Councilmember McClung asked if this budget includes cost of living increases for Staff. <br /> Director of Finance and Administrative Service Iverson stated the contingency includes a 2% <br /> cost of living increase as directed by the Council. The City has not finished union negotiations <br /> and is unsure of the results of these negotiations at this time. The actual budget contains a 0% <br /> increase and any increases the Council may choose to do that would affect the General Fund are in <br /> the contingency funds. <br /> City Administrator Klaers clarified the contingency reserve is $20,211 and this is included in <br /> the levy amount. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Harpstead seconded a motion to <br /> Approve the 2011-2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as presented...._ <br /> _. esented. The - <br /> motion carried unanimously(5-0). <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Harpstead seconded a motion to <br /> Adopt Resolution 2010-078: A Resolution Adopting the Proposed 2011 Budge <br /> in the Amount of$13,060,056. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated the City's budget has been really looked at by the Council and the <br /> result is less than 1% increase. She stated the City's costs could be lowered if the costs of public <br /> safety services would not continue to increase. <br /> Councilmember Holmes did not like the use of the City's reserves. She also stated she would <br /> like to look at the costs associated with public safety services to determine if there were additional <br /> cuts the City could make so that the City's reserve funds would not have to be used. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated the City has made substantial progress in the levy but the City <br /> cannot continue to operate under the cost of inflation. The Council has been very sensitive to the <br /> economic times and he would not propose to go higher but he also could not support going lower. <br />