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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—December 13, 2010 13 <br /> 7.A. Adoption of the Final 2011 Budget and Tax Levy (continued) <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated taking money from the reserve every year is not a good trend and the <br /> City should keep this in mind for the future. The amount being proposed is modest and the City <br /> can tolerate this amount being removed from the reserve. He clarified he would support the <br /> proposed budget. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated he believed there was room for the City to make additional <br /> cuts. <br /> The motion to approve Resolution 2010-078 was called to a vote. <br /> The motion carried unanimously <br /> MOTION: _Mayor Harpstead moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a motion to <br /> Adopt Resolution 2010-079: A Resolution Setting the Final Lew for Taxes <br /> Payable in 2011 in the Amount of$3,040,964. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember McClung moved and Councilmember Grant seconded a <br /> motion to Amend the Final Levy for Taxes Payable in 2011 to the Amount of <br /> $3,016,465 (the amount levied in 2010). <br /> Councilmember Grant asked Councilmember McClung where he would propose the cuts come <br /> from. <br /> Councilmember McClung suggested the cuts could come from the contingency included in the <br /> budget and take the difference from the reserve funds. He stated the City could freeze all salaries <br /> for the next year. He would support the step raises based on performance but would not support <br /> any cost of living increases this year. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated the amount of the contingency was based in part on the union - <br /> contract negotiations. He clarified that if this money was not in the budget then the City would <br /> not have flexibility when negotiating this contract. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated it is possible to have a 0% increase in year 1 and negotiate a <br /> slightly larger increase in year 2 or year 3. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated Arden Hills pays an average salary compared to surrounding <br /> cities. Surrounding cities are providing employees increases and if Arden Hills is not able to <br /> compete with this then the City will loose valuable employees in the future. She stated she would <br /> like to see Arden Hills as a destination City for qualified employees rather than a City for training <br /> qualified employees to work in other cities. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated he would vote against the motion to amend as well. The cost impact to <br /> the City from the public safety increases exceeds the amount of the increase for the levy. The City <br /> is already not doing things within the City that have been done in the past in an effort to cut costs. <br /> The community is well managed and appropriately budgeted at this time. <br />
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