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8.3 Contract Administration <br />In order to coordinate the services of SUSSCRIBER with the aciivities of COUNTY so as to accomp�ish the <br />purposes of this Agreement, shall manage <br />this Agreement an behalf of SUBSCRIBER, the Radio Syste�n Manager shalI manage this Agreemeni on behalf of <br />COUNTY, and both sha11 serve as liaisans betc�veer� the parties. <br />8.4 Not�ces <br />Any notice or dennand which must be given or rnade by a party �ereto under the tern�s af this Agreemer�t or any <br />siatute or ordinance shall be in writing, and shali be sent registered or certified mail. Noiices to COI7NTY and to <br />SUBSCRIBER shail be �ent to the addresses stated beiow: <br />To COUNTY: County Manager <br />Suite 250 City HaillCourthouse <br />15 West Kellogg Boulevard <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 <br />To SUBSCRIBER: Ciry Administrator <br />City of Arden Hills <br />i 245 W. Highway 96 <br />Arden Hitls, MN 551 i 2 <br />8S Mfnnesota Laws Govern <br />The Laws of the Sta�e of Mir�nesota shall govem all quest�ons and interpretations concerning the vaiic�ity and <br />construciic�n of this Agreement and the legal reiations be#ween the parties and perfarmance under tY�is Agreement. <br />The appropriate venue and jurisdiction for any iitigation hereunder wiii be the state or federal courts tocated within <br />the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. If any provision of this Agreer�ent is held invalid, itlegal or <br />unenforc�able, the remaining provisions will not be affected. <br />8.6 Mediation <br />COUNTY and SUBSCRIBER agree to subrr�it all clai�ns and disputes between the parties arising out of or re�ating <br />to this Agreeinent to t�ie Subscriber �'olicy GroUp. If the Subsystem Palicy Group cannat reach a resolution, the <br />COUNTY and SUBSCRIB�R agree ta submit the clairr� or dispute to mediation. The mediation shall be co�ducied <br />tluough a mutually agreed upan mediator. The parties shall decide whether mediation shaIl be bznding or non- <br />binding. If the pa�ies cannot reach agreement on this issue, mediatian shaIl be non-bi�ding. U� the event <br />mediatian is ur�successful, either party may exercise its legai or equitable re�nedies and may comrnenc� such act�on <br />pnor to the expiration of �e applicable statute of limitations. <br />$.7 Force Majeure <br />Neither party shall be liable to the other for any loss, damage, faiiure, deIay or breach in rendenng any services or <br />performing any obligations hereunder ta the extent such failure, delay ot' breach results from any cause ar event <br />beyond the control of the party being released hereby t"Force Majeure"), includipg, vvithaut limitatior�, iire or other <br />casualty, acts or threatened acts of terrorism, pestilence or epide�nic, striice or labor dispute, war or other violence, <br />acts or inaction of any governinental authority, or any ather cause heyond the reasdnabl� controi of the party. The <br />excused party shaIl use reasonable efforts under the cireumstances ta avoid ar remove such causes of non- <br />perfarmance and shall praceed to perform with reasonabie dispatch vvhenever such causes are rem.oved or cease. <br />8_8 Nothing herein shall preciude the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners from exercisi�g its full <br />authari�ies in relation tc� t}iis Agre�rneni. <br />S00 MHz Subsystem Snbscriber Agreeinent — Ciiy af Arden Hills 9 of 10 <br />