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6.4 Canceliation of A eement for Default <br />If either pariy fails to perfarm any material ter�n of ihis Agreenn.ent, it shalI constii�te a default. Unless <br />SUBSCRIBER'S default is excused by COUNTY, COiJNTY may, upon written �otice, im�taediaieIy cancel #his <br />Agreernent in its entirety. Default by SUBSCRIBER shall include, but is not iimited to, continued triisuse of the <br />Subsystem, br�ach of Subsysietn data security, and iailure to pay in accordance with the provisions of this <br />Agreement. Unless COUNTY'S default is excuse� by SUBSCRiBER, SUBSCRIBER may, upon thiriy (30) days' <br />written notice, cancel this A�eement in its entireiy. <br />Notwithstanding any pravisian o� this Agrecment to tlte contrary, the defauiting party shall not be relieved af <br />liability io the other party for damages sustained by the non-defazslting party by virtue of any bceach of this <br />Agreement by the defauliing party. <br />The above re�edies shail be in additian to any other right or remedy available under law, statute, rule, and/or <br />ec�uity. <br />The failure to insist upon strict performance of any provision or to exercise any righi under this Agreernent s�all r�o� <br />�e deemed a relinquishment or waiver af the same, u�less consented to in writing. Such consent shall not constitute <br />a general waiver or relinquish�nent througt�out the entire tertn of the Agreement. <br />6.5 Actions U on Terminatian or Cancellatior� <br />Upan expiration or cancetlation of this Ageetnent, SUBSCRIBER shall cease aIl use of fhe SubsysYern including <br />usin� the Subsysiexn with radias own�d by SUB�CRIBER and SUBSCR]BER sha.11 deiete Code Plugs and <br />encrypt�on key information fro�n the radifl memory as necessary to protect private data and prevent unauthorized <br />access to the Subsystem information. <br />7. MERGER AND MODIFICATION <br />7.1 Entire A eement <br />It is �nderstood and agreed ihat the entire Agreement between the parties is contained herein and that this <br />Agreement supersedes aIl orat agreem�nts and negoiiations between th� parties relating to the s�bject matter heret�f. <br />AI1 it�ms refert-ed to in this Agreement are incorporated or atiached and are deemed to be �art of this Agreement. <br />72 A�nertdments to A eerr�ent <br />Any alterations, variations, tnodificatians, or waivers af pr�vfsions of t�is Agreement shail only be vafid when they <br />have been reduced to wr[ting as an amendm�nt to this Agreement signed by authorized representat�ves of both <br />parties. <br />S. MISCELLA.NEOUS PRQVISIONS <br />8.1 Liabitity <br />Each party agrees ihat it wzll i�e respons�ble for its own acts and the results thereof, to the extent anthorized by law, <br />and shali not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results tl�ereof C4UNTY'S Iiability is governed <br />by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. SUBSCRTBER's liability is subject to the provisions of <br />applicabie Minnesoia statutes. <br />8.2 Data Privac <br />SUBSCR�BER, its af�cers, agents, owners, partners, ernpioyees, volur�teers or subcontractors agree to abide by t�►e <br />provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Mi�tesota Statutes, Chapter 13, and all other <br />appiicable state and federal lar�rs, rEiles, regulations and orders relating ta data privacy ar confidentiality, and as any <br />of the same may be amended. The responsible au#�ariiy for SUBSCRIBER is <br />The responsibie aut�ority for COLJNTY is Mary Mahoney. <br />8b0 MHz Subsystezn Subscriber Agreemen# — City of Arden HiIls g a f�p <br />