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ARDEN H�,LS CITY C�UNC�L — N1ARC� I3, �.�fl6 9 <br />� F. Mation io Ap�rflve Cify 5taff Su6mitti�g a Graut Applicatio� far Funtlin� <br />Assistance Assaciated with YJnt�atin� the Ci�v's Camur�hensive Pi�n <br />Ms. �arton stated Met Council �requires jurisdictions to su�mit a Cort�pr�hensiv� Piat� au�lining <br />thair po�ici�s and abjectives related to land use and zonin�. This plan is requfred tQ be updated <br />every 10 y�ars, with the n��t i�pda#e being due in 2�45. <br />Last week staff beeame aware of an opportunity to obtain Cunc�in� assistance foz ti�.e update o�the <br />Cit��'s Co�nprehensive Plan tl�rough B1ueCross S1ueShield {`BCBS'�}. The grant is intended to <br />assist municipalities to integrate acti�ve livir�g p�.nciples inta �l�eir communitzes. �pecif cally, this <br />f�.t�ding opportunity is designed to support communities in prepaXxnglre�ising their <br />compre�ensiv� developrnent plans and identifying relevant or�.inance subsections for <br />modificatian in ke�ping with the new plans. <br />The tern� "acti�e livin�" denot�s a vva� of life that integrates ��yszcal activity into daily routines, <br />not just for recreatioi�.al purposes, bui also for u�ilitarian purposes, such as errands, trips to the <br />grocery store, edmmuting to u�ork, etc. Cornmuniiies car� influence the choices their rasidents <br />make concerning physicai acti�ity through land u�e po�ici�s, transpartatian systems, and the <br />avaitability of walki�g paths/gr�envvays, at�_ Research shovrs t�at cities can have a�asit�ve <br />impact on �ates o#'physical activity through plannin� and palicy_ <br />The grant would provide fiulding up io $75,040, as �rell as providing technical assista�ce and <br />� training oppariunit�es_ <br />BCBS requires that all interested communities suY�mit a Notice of Intent ta Ap�ly, no latEr than <br />IVTarch 17, Z005. <br />Sta#'f recorr�mended Co��il authnrize staff to submit the Natic� of Tntent ta Apply. <br />MOTION: Councilmamber Larson �oved and Cauncilmember Graint seconded a <br />motion �o authorize s#a#�f to submit the Notice of Intent to Apply_ The <br />moii�n carried una��zzxiausiy (S-0). <br />G. Jain�t Pavvers A�reement wi#h Ramsey County_far D15Raich S�rvices and Subscriber <br />A reerne�t for Coun ide P�t�lic Safe Radio Subs stem Subscriber A reemcnt <br />vs�ith Ramssv Caunty <br />Ms. Wc�lfe explained the Joir�t Powers Agreem�nt and Subscriber Agree�ent vc�it� Ramsey <br />�ounty a.nd the reasons for upgrading to �he 800 MHZ radio systern. <br />MOTIQN: Councilmez�ber Grant moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a motion tn <br />approve the �oinE Powers Agreement with Rarnsey Coui3iy fflr Dispatch 5ervi�es <br />and the Co�.ntywide Public Safeiy Radio Subsystem Subscriber Ag�reement with <br />� Ramsey County. The motion carried unanizx7.ously (5-�). <br />