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EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: J�anuary 18, 20d6 AGENDA ITEM 6.G <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: Michelle Wolfe, City Administrator <br />SUB.FECT: Approval of Agreements: <br />1. �oint Powers Agreement B�tween Ramsey County and the City of Arden Hills <br />for Dispatch SeFvices <br />2. Ramsey County Countywide Public Safety Radio Cornmunications Subsystem <br />Su��criber Agreement <br />INTR4DUCTION <br />During the past several months, Raz�czsey County has been in the process of ca�stz-ucting a new <br />$00 MHz radio communications system. The County is also in ihe process of construc�ing a new <br />dispatch center and will be prnviding dispatch services far a11 of the cities in the Couniy with the <br />exception of White Bear Lake. T�e County �as asked that cities approve a�oint Powers <br />Agreement regarding the provision of dispatch services and a su6scriber agreeme�t relatfng to <br />use of the new 800 MHz radio system. <br />BACKGR�UND <br />For mare than two years, Ramsey Co�nty has been in the �rocess of plans�ing and iznplementing <br />a new 800 MHz radia communications system which will sez�ve as a subsystem to the region- <br />wide $00 MHz systert�. As part of this process, one of the County's goals was ta develop a new <br />dispatch center �hat would serve aIi of the cities in t�e County as well as the Ramsey County <br />Sheriffls Department. Last year, the County reached agreement with the cities of St. Paul and <br />Maplewood to consalidate dispatch services. As part of these discussions regardir�g consaIic�ated <br />dispatch, suburl�an communities were concerned about the allacation af costs for the new <br />dispa�ch center. Ultimately, it was agre�d that dispaich center �perating costs would be funded <br />60% on the co�ntyvc�ide �ax levy and 4Q% based on calls far service. Under this proposed <br />fortnula, the Ciiy's costs for dispatch services wiii be similar to our current �ayment for dispatch <br />services to the Sheriffls Depariment. <br />Under the proposed agreenneni, the City o�' Arden wil( pay $30,b78 per year for the f�rst tvvo <br />years, at which time the �ormuia takes full affect. In the cur�-ent 2006 budget %r Rart3sey Co�xnty <br />Sheriffls Department, we a�located $32,642 for dispatch services. We will have io contribute aur <br />