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COUN"I'Y for, but not limite� to, software updates, tec�z�'iical support, administrative support, configuration support, <br />access to the emergency and special event shaxed pool of rac�ios, and training support attril�utable to <br />SUBSCREBER'S participatian under this Agreement. Fees s�al! be assessad on a per-radio basis. Any such fees <br />wili be sub�ect to annual adjusttnent by the Board of Ramsey County Comtn.issioners. COi.JNTY is responsible for <br />Subsystem Infrastructure Support Costs. <br />3.5 Pass Through Fe�s <br />SUBSCRIBER agrees ta pay alI fees assessed on a per radio basis to COUN'i'Y or SL3BSCRlBER by ar�y outside <br />agency, as estabiished through the outside agency's wriiten contract with COUNTY or hy statutory a�thority. <br />3.6 Radio Clonin Fees <br />Far a penod of two years fallowit�g initial activation of radios listed in Appendix A by CO[JNTY or COUNTY- <br />Approved Vendors, SUBSCRIBER shatl be entitled to receive SUBSCRIBER-requested radio recloning by <br />COUNTY or CQ�_TNTY-Approved Vendors one addiiional time for each radio witho�t additianal cost to <br />�USSCRIBEA, and_C�UNTY will pay the costs of recloning each radio_one additional time for chan es req�ired <br />b the COI_TNTY. Provided, however, .that CQLTNTY shall pay such recloning costs at the Regular In-Shop Flat Fee <br />as estabiished in the agreemen# between CO�iN"I'Y and the COUNTY-Approved Vendor. SUBSCRIBER shaI� <br />obtain any additional radio recloning necessary for SUBSCRIBER to use t1-�e Subsystem at SUBSCRIBER'S sole <br />cost. SUBSCRIBER shall nonfy and ohiain approval from the Radio Systern Manager or the Radio System <br />Manager's designee prior to obtaining the additional recloning. Aii recloning must be performed by COUNTY or <br />CQLTNTY-Approved Vendors. <br />3.7 Changes in �ees <br />Foilowing consu�tation with ti�e Subsysiem Policy Group, COi3NTY sha�l natify SUBSCRIBER of any proposed <br />change in any of the fees payable by SUBSCRIBER to COUNTY under the terms of this Agreernent for the <br />following calendar year �o later than �une 1 of the current calendar year. T�e COLTNTY Board shall have final <br />authoriry to �stablish or change fees. <br />3.$ �n�oicin and Pa ent Terms <br />COLJNTY will invoice SUBSCRIBER monthly, or at ather intervaIs as determined by COCTNTY, for aIl fees <br />payabie to COiJN"�'Y as specified herern. For radios activated on or before the i 5"' of the month, SUBSCRIBER <br />wil� be charged for the entire month. For radios activated after t�e 15�' of ikie mon�h, the fees wil� commence on the <br />first day o€ the following month. Payment of al� fees herein shaIl be made directly to COUN"I'Y within thiriy-five <br />{35} days from receipt of the invoice. COIINTY-approved vendors w�o provide reprograrnming for <br />SUBSCRIBER shall invoice SUBSCRIBER directly and SUBSCR]BER shali make the paymet�t; SUBSCRIBER <br />rr�ay submit a request for reimbursement for any reprogramrc►ing costs for which COT_TNTY is responsible under the <br />provisions of Subparagraph 2.6 herein. <br />3.9 Flow Down Me�ro olitan Emer enc Set-vices Board Contract Provisions <br />SUBSCRIBER agrees to cornpiy with alI applicable flow down provisions contained in the Caopera#ive Agreement <br />�etween COUNTI' and the Metropolitan Radio Board, incorparated �erein and made a part of this Agre�ment by <br />ihis reference <br />3.10 De-certification and Dis osition of O�solete Radios <br />The Metropolitan Emergency Services Boaxd, or its successor, and CO�JNTY may de-certify radios, radia <br />operating soft�vare versions, and radio program files and configuration settings (comxnonly catled Code PIugs) <br />which become obsolete or unsuitable for use for reasons including but not limited to: unsafe to use, impairs <br />Subsystem performance, no longer supported by ihe radio manufactt�rer, no langer supporYed by COI.INTY, exhibit <br />substantial defects, exlubit perfot-�tance de�ciencies, impair implementation of Subsystem upgrades, become <br />unreliable, and become econorr�icaliy unfeasible to ma�ntain. Except in those cases affecting safety ar performance <br />impacts to the Subsystem, other subsystems, or the regional system, COUNTY will rnake reasonable efforts to <br />avoid decertification of radios owned by SUBSCRiBER vvhich have not been fu�ly depreciated and to �rovide <br />SUBSCRIBER wiih at least one (1) year advance notice p�ior to the effective date of radio or soflware version <br />decertification. Decerti#'ied radios, or radios operating with decertified software versions or decertified Code Piugs <br />will no� be aiIowed io access or use the Sul�system. SUBSCR�BER may not dispose of an obsolete uniil the <br />800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreernent — City of Arden Hzlls 4 oi IO <br />