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General), and hold MrJDOT harrnless from ar�y ciaims or costs arising out o� or <br />incidental to the Project{s), including reasonable attoraey fees incurred by Mn/DOT. <br />The CiCy's indernr�ification obligatio� extends to any actions relatec� ta the <br />certification of DBE participation, even if such actions are cecommended by M��IDOT. <br />II. DUTIES OF Mn/DOT. <br />A. ACCEPTANCE. Mn/DOT accepts designation as Ag�nt af the City �or the receipt <br />and disb�rsement of fed.eral f�nds and will act in accorda�ce nerew�th_ � <br />B. PROJECT ACTNTT`IES. <br />Mn/DOT wilI ma�Ce the necessary requests to #�e �'HWA for autharization to use <br />federal funds for the �roject{s), and for reirnbursement of eligible costs pursuar�t <br />to the terms of this agreetnent. <br />2. MnIDOT will provide to the City copies of the required FederaI-aid clauses to be <br />included in the bid salicitation and wil� pz-ovide the required Federal-aid <br />provisians to be includecE in the Proposal for Highway Construction. <br />3. Mr►/DOT will review and certify the DBE participatio� and notify the City when <br />certi�cation is complete. If certi��cation of DBE participa�ion (or good fait� <br />efforts ta achieve such participatian) cannot be o�tained, then Ciry must decide <br />whetl�er ta proceed with awarding the cantract. Failure to obtai� s�ch <br />certification will r�suli in the project becorrung ineligible for federal assistance, <br />and the City must make up any shortfaIl. <br />4. Mn/DOT will provide ttte reqtaired iabor postinas. <br />C. PAYMENTS. <br />i. Mn/DOT will receive the f�dera[ funds to be paid by the FHWA for the <br />Project{s}, pursuant to Mir�nesota Statutes § 16L36, Subdivision 2. <br />2. Mri/DOT wili reimb�rse tf�e City, fram said �ederal funds made availabie to each <br />Project, for each partial payment request, sub�eet to the availabiliry and limits of <br />fhose funds. <br />3. Upon co�pletion of the Project(s), Mr�/DOT will perform a�ina� inspection and <br />verify the federal and. state eiigibility of all the payment req�ests. � the Project is <br />fo�nd to ha�e been comp[et�d ir� accordance witi� the plans and specifications, <br />Mn/DOT wiil pror�ptly release any rernaining fecieral funds due t�e City for the <br />Pro�ect(s}. <br />4. In the eve�t Mn1DOT does not abtain f�nding from the Minnesota L.egislature or <br />other funding source, or fu�ding cannot be cantinued at a sufficient iev�l to aiiow <br />for the �rocessing of the federal aid reimbursement requests, the City may <br />continue the work with lacal funds only, �ntil such time as Mr�IDOT is able to - <br />(t�nIDOT Aa eement [Vo. �:3? i :i) <br />N_1FedAidL4a eementUatest san�pleslArden Hilfs I 87 AC A�ency Agreemcnt 08.doc 215/U0 Page 6 <br />