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process the federal aid reimbursement requests. <br />D. AUTHORI'TY. MnIDOT may wi�l-iho�d federal f�nds, wl�ere MnID4T or the FHWA <br />determines that the Project(s} was not completed ir� compIiance with federal <br />requirernents. <br />E, INSPECTION. Mn/DQT, the FHWA, or duiy authorized representatives of the state <br />and federal gover�ment will have the right to audit, evaivate and rnonitor the work <br />perforrtaed under this agreement. The City will make avaiiable all books, records, and <br />dacuments pertaining to ti�e work hereunder, �or a minf murn of seven years fot�owing <br />the closing af t�e construction contz-act. <br />III. TORT LiAB�L,TTY. Each party is responsible for its own acts and omissions and the results <br />Chereof to the extent authorized by �aw and �vill nofi be res�ansible for the acts and omissions <br />o� any others and the resuits thereof. The Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes <br />SecCion 3.736, governs Mn/DOT liability. <br />N. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party wili assign ar trar�sfer any rights or obiigatians under this <br />agreemer�t wit�out prior written approval af the other party. <br />V. AMENDMENTS. Any amendments/supplements to this Agre�ment wiii be in writzng and <br />executed by th� samc parties who executed the original agreeznent, or t�eir successors in <br />office. <br />VI. AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE. This agreement is effective �pon executi�n by the <br />appropriate State officia�s pursuant �a Minnesota Statutes Sectian 16C.OS. <br />VII. CANCELLATION. Thas agreement may be canceled by the Cfty or MnlDOT at any tirne, <br />with or withouC cause, upon ninety (90} days written notice to the ot�er parry. S�ctz <br />termination wi�l not rerr�ove any unfiilfil�ed F'ina�cia� obligations of the City as set forth in <br />this Agreer�ent. In the �vent of such a canceilation the Ci#y will be entitled to reirr�burserz3ent <br />for Mn/DOT-appraved federally eligible expenses incurred for work satisfactor�ly �erformed <br />on the Project to the date of cancellation subject to the terms of this agreernent. <br />VIII. DATA �RACTICES ACT. The parties wi�l comply with the pravisians of the Min�esota <br />Gov�rnrr�ent Data Practices Act (Minnesata Statutes chapter 13) as it applies to aii data <br />gathered, collected, created, or disserrtinated related to this Agreement. <br />(Mn/DOT Agreetnent [�fo. =2; � (�) <br />N:1FedAidlAo eementuatest sampleslArdcn Hilis � 87 AC Agency Agree�nent QS.doc 2/5/00 p�e � <br />